missile launching:pertinent information - Medinihegade/missile-launcher GitHub Wiki

1. Gathering Pertinent Information. The history of the Applied Physics Laboratory between mid-1948 and mid-1956 was characterized by significant technological achievement, an outstanding part of which was the successful development of the missile named Terrier I. This was the first sea-going antiaircraft guided missile in world history. The Laboratory had, prior to that time, pursued an exploratory research and development program that resulted in, among other things, a supersonic-missile, test vehicle configuration. The Navy decided to adapt it to tactical use as a rocket-propelled surface-to-air missile for the Fleet. This decision was communicated to the Guided Missiles Committee of the Department of Defense Research and Development Board on June 11, 1948. Dr. R. B. Kershner of APL proposed the name "Terrier" for the new missile, after These historical notes are adapted from a chapter on the Terrier missile prepared by Rear Admiral M. R. Kelley, U.S. 'avy (Ret. ) for inclusion in a history of the Applied Physics Laboratory. 18 the canine breeds of relatively small size, aggressive and tenacious by nature, but readily controlled by their masters. This name was approved by the Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance on December 29, 1948. Development of Terrier presented no major problem in propulsion because enough was known of rocket propellants to afford confidence that it could attain the speed, altitude, and range d emended.[1] However, there were other problems. Even though roll stabilization- a prerequisite of good beam-riding - had been achieved earlier by both subsonic and supersonic test models, and satisfactory beam-riding had already been demonstrated, unexpected difficulties were encountered in the first two STV*-3 flight tests (April and July, 1948 ) . These tests had among their principal objectives the measurement of roll moment and determination of the damping coefficient, information that was urgently needed before a * Supersonic test vehicle. M. R. Kelley vehicle that incorporated a device for roll stabilization could be tested. Neither test provided the desired data because of malfunctions in the t telemetering equipment, cause unknown. In October 1948, a third test having these same objectives produced good roll data. Confirmatory results were also obtained in another flight test a month later. Shortly thereafter flights of two modified STV-3's, which were intended to be roll-stabilized, proved unsuccessful because of an apparent electrical power failure in one case and, in the other, the occurrence of large acceleration forces at end of boost, which were shown III post-flight analysis to have been present also in two previous STV-3 tests.[2]

**Information searched: **

Here are some links that shows or gives idea of making missile launching device.[3] 1.https://youtu.be/dKwOdxpp0yU 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iq-8uMJ37iU 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_Ezlmnb5m4 4.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtfrSO-vOaQ 5.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CX-6TChzk94 6.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okw9m7kKcvA 7.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLeVqeZHerE 8.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_l3oK9xVb4 9.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3cYUD6yjZQ 10.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxZ-y3EDzQY 11.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vu8lCJLz_LU 12.https://youtu.be/QSDskxBTlZEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_l3oK9xVb4

Existing solutions:

agni 5

  • India successfully test-fired its indigenously developed nuclear capable long range ballistic missile Agni-5 with a strike range of 5,000 km. [5]

helina 2. HELINA is helicopter launched version known of NAG ATGM, designed and developed indigenously for Indian Army under integrated guided missile development program. It is manufactured by India’s sole missile producer, state-owned Bharat Dynamics ltd. It works on the principle of “fire and forget”. It has operational range upto 7-10km.[7]

  1. Brahmos is supersonic cruise missile developed by Brahmos Aerospace, a joint-venture between Russia’s Mashinostroyenia and India’s Defense Research and development organization(DRDO).[9] brahmos

Working principle

1.Fire and forget:* Fire-and-forget is a type of missile guidance which does not require further guidance after launch such as illumination of the target or wire guidance, and can hit its target without the launcher being in line-of-sight of the target. This is an important property for a guided weapon to have, since a person or vehicle that lingers near the target to guide the missile (using, for instance, ) is vulnerable to attack and unable to carry out other tasks.[10]

2.Command to Line-Of-Sight (CLOS) The CLOS system uses only the angular coordinates between the missile and the target to ensure the collision. The missile is made to be in the line of sight between the launcher and the target (LOS), and any deviation of the missile from this line is corrected. Since so many types of missile use this guidance system, they are usually subdivided into four groups: A particular type of command guidance and navigation where the missile is always commanded to lie on the line of sight (LOS) between the tracking unit and the aircraft is known as command to line of sight (CLOS) or three-point guidance. That is, the missile is controlled to stay as close as possible on the LOS to the target after missile capture is used to transmit guidance signals from a ground controller to the missile.[11]

3. Active homing Active homing uses a radar system on the missile to provide a guidance signal. Typically, electronics in the missile keep the radar pointed directly at the target, and the missile then looks at this "angle" of its own centerline to guide itself. Radar resolution is based on the size of the antenna, so in a smaller missile these systems are useful for attacking only large targets, ships or large bombers for instance. Active radar systems remain in widespread use in anti-shipping missiles.[12]

Working It’s a missile Tank, this is a Remote Control missile Launcher , Barreled with a Operating system from 6 DC motors power is perfect, it active It's great, this Tank rocket launcher is a very powerful, remote-controlled weapon that exploded and rocketed off very well ... and it also spins 360 degrees easily. It is made from ping pong ball and cardboard with 6 DC motors, Remote Control circuit and some other things.[13]

Components, sub components and technology needed for the design: Micro controller DC motor Servo motor Wheels Battery Ardino circuit board Accelerometer LED: Gear Potentiometer

Sub component: wire spring, 6 needle, Plastic Pipe, ice cream sticks, screw, hot glue gun, 1 lights, 14 toy wheelsbam,1 Latex tires, bamboo skewers.[14]

Technology behind missiles: Guided missiles have a number of different system components: • Targeting or missile guidance • Flight system • Engine

**Expertise of different branches involved: **

Computer engineers: They will help in automation programming which is very critical part of the project execution.[15]

Electronics engineer: They will help us in building electronic components, and the circuits involving different electronic components. [16]

Mechanical engineer: They will help us building the outer frames, wheel , weapons attachments etc. [17]

table of components

Budget: Looking at the market, quality, efficiency, built quality and user friendliness of the product, it costs about Rs4000/-[18] Problem statement: Indian army is looking forward for an automated missile launching tanker. The tanker should be all terrain movable, wireless controlled and is supposed to launch 4 missiles continuously.(consider ping pong ball as missiles).[19]

  1. Recent information collected :

In December 2017 the Indian government scrapped the 500million dollar deal with Israel defense contractor Rafael advanced defense system ltd for 8356 missiles. DRDO is also working on the 3rd generation ATMG nag, fired from nag missiles carrier (NAMICA).[20]

6 solutions to problems: [21]  It’s a remote control tank which is made using 12 volt DC motars , sunboard sheet 5mm thickness , battery of 9V that is rechargeable which can move in any place.[22]

 It’s a wireless remote control tank that shoots using material like plywood, metal sheet, tire tube, PVC pipe, two way switches and nichrome wire. almost material you can find from home or junkyard.[23]

 It’s a RC Tank made out of Cardboard and bottle Caps. Its electric car. Moves in all terrain.[24]

 Its a army missile launching truck that is made of cardboard battery that can move in any place.[25]

ideas that are helpful to our projects:

**Military Blastic Missile War Tank ** Remote Control

  1. Detailed reproduction Battle Super Truck Blastic Missile launcher with a frequency radio remote control
  2. • Fully maneuverable to combat in rough or smooth terrain
  3. • Complete turret control: swivel 360* with a 45* elevation and up and down to hit all necessary targets
  4. • Missiles travel up to 12 feet. [25]

type:missile tanks and truck

  1. material:plastic
  2. battery operated, 6 batteries
  3. Rechargeable batteries 8cm*7cm width and height
  4. minimum age: 20