Synology Setting Up Your Media Library Share - MediaBrowser/Wiki GitHub Wiki

The media library is a key component of your Emby Server setup, the following is a step-by-step guide for a reference setup.

However you decide to setup your library, making sure Emby Server has read/write access to it, is critical.

NOTE: The name of the NAS in this example is JFK, substitute with the name of your system accordingly.

Step 1 : Navigate to Control Panel -> Shared Folder. (shared folders are assumed, as you'll need a way to upload your media)

Step 1

Step 2 : Set the Name, Description and choose a Location. (if you have more than one volume available)

Step 2

Step 3 : Grant the Emby Server user Read/Write access, along with any other users you wish to have access to upload media.

Step 3

Step 4 : Navigate to the share from your desktop machine and create sub-directories for Movies, TV, etc. (in this case we're doing it from a Windows based machine)

Step 4

Step 5 : Upload your media to the shared folder.

Step 5

Step 6 : In the Emby server manager navigate to Library -> Add Media Library to configure the media sources. (example below shows adding movies)

Step 6

Step 7 : Once complete, the media library will be added and you will see Emby make an initial scan.

Step 7

Step 8 : Configure path substitution to enable clients to direct play media, pay attention to the trailing slashes!

Step 8

Step 9 : You should now be able to browse your media in Metadata Manager, you can also confirm that path substitution is working as expected.

Step 9

Step 10 : The end result, your media displayed in the client application and ready to go. (in this case the Web UI, with CoverArt applied)

Step 10

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