Synology Notes on Package Updates - MediaBrowser/Wiki GitHub Wiki
When an update to Emby Server becomes available, it will be published as an update via DSM's Package Center. All updates are fully self-contained and can be applied by simply clicking on the 'Update' button. Details of the changes contained in the update will be displayed under the 'What's New' section.
NOTE : Updates can on occasion take a while to apply, depending on the size of your media library and/or your hardware platform. It is recommended that you apply updates at a 'quiet time', where any disruption to viewing or recording, will be kept to a minimum.
Automatic Updates
The Emby Server package for Synology is supported by Package Center's automatic update functionality, however we do not recommend using it.
This is for a few reasons, as given the services that Emby Server provides, it could lead to:-
Disrupted viewing
Missed Recordings (from Live TV)
Partial Recordings (from Live TV)
The automatic update functionality is configured via Package Center -> Settings -> Auto Updates
Package Center will also give you the opportuntity to opt-in to automatic updates when a package update becomes available.