API endpoints - MedHackOpen/HospitalPriceSpider GitHub Wiki


  • Database Endpoints
  • Search Endpoints
  • Files and Files Data Endpoints
  • Test Endpoints

NOTE: During development our app is configured to run at http://localhost:3007/ you can change that though

Database Endpoints

./api/update-script updates the database tables with the field structure(s) defined in the models folder

./api/update/institutions-from-local-spreadsheet This endpoint should create new or patch institutions table with data from a locally stored spreadsheet.(in our rawXlsxs folder) NOTE: run this request only once, updating the table on a second request removes some required data(@TODO fix)

. /api/update/load-data-from-local-csv, this endpoint should load data from csv files into procedures database see README.md in the rawCSVs folder on how to process the files. To avoid running into database memory error as of current implementation, move 5 files out of the processed folder and run the request, once success, move them elsewhere and get more files(5 or more depending on your database memory) out of the processed folder.

If you prefer to load data from a google spreadsheet, head here ( Config google drive api ) first before going to the below endpoint

./api/update/institutions-from-online-spreadsheet, this endpoint should get data from a google spreadsheet and create or patch the institution table with the related items from the data

Search Endpoints

./averageprice/location?range=10000&lon=-165.37812474&lat=64.49906305 // returns average price of institutions within a location. range = distance in miles, lon = the longitude, lat = the latitude.

./costliestProcedure/containingPhrase?phrase=lib // returns costliest procedure from the database containing a phrase. phrase = name of procedure

./cheapestProcedure/containingPhrase?phrase=lib // returns cheapest procedure from the database containing a phrase. phrase = name of procedure

Files Endpoints

  • / home

  • /api/csv-files // returns all available csv files in ./rawCSVs folder

  • /api/csvdata/:id // given the filename as the param in this request returns json data of the csv file name give as the url param

  • /api/data/local-spread-sheets // returns all available spreadsheet files in the ./rawXlsxs folder

  • /api/data/local-xlsl-file/:id //given the right name as the param (:id) it will return json data of the given file

  • /api/data/google-spread-sheets // should list all available spreadsheets to be used with /api/data/google-spread-sheets/:id (where each spreadsheet id should be used with this endpoint)

./api/data/google-spread-sheets/:id // returns data from google drive api services if spreadsheet and id and credentials are well configured (check app dir ./nodejsModule/client_secret.json, client_email: 'Value to share'). This /api/data/google-spread-sheets should be the reference to use for end point = /api/data/google-spread-sheets/:id To setup your google application to use with this endpoint refer HERE.

see nodejsModule/index.js in root dir for endpoint and maybe helpful comments

Test Endpoints