1.b. Postgres - Mcirino/pdd GitHub Wiki

DeepDive provides an option to install and run a database instance using Postgres. A database is simply an organized collection of data, which DeepDive uses to store its input and output. Postgres is a database management system, which allows a user to interact with DeepDive's database.

You can install and run Postgres using DeepDive with the following command: bash <(curl -fsSL git.io/getdeepdive) postgres or simply run it with postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres

You can also run your own database by putting the following line into the db.url file, with relevant information: postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/database_name

To shutdown the database, you can first find it with ps -ef | grep postgres, or the name of the database process. Then, you can run pkill postgres to terminate the process.