KaynEmpire - Mcgode/Kaynz GitHub Wiki
(Spoiler ahead!)
Back before reaching interstellar flight, the Kaynz where divided into 3 continents, and much more countries. One of those countries, the Likar Tan Empire became one of the most powerful nations, thanks to a technological boom that brought them to the bleeding edge of military technology. This technological ascension picked the interest of one of their border nation, which eventually led to a continental conflict. This war allowed the Empire to make their first field tests, and to improve their already superior technology. The conflict went on for about a year, until their rival realized their troops were being slaughtered, so they retread but it pushed the Empire for a full scale invasion in which they succeeded.
This victory allowed them to gain full control over their continent, the second most important one. This sudden victory pushed the other overseas countries to form a federation to counter the growing Empire. This led to a second war, a world war, which ended with a total victory of the Empire after 12 years of war, making countless casualties on both sides. The Empire then put a lot of effort on unifying their entire world, by investing a lot of money into reconstruction and global development, and by limiting their use of hard power as much as possible. Even though it took a few decades, this unification had seemingly succeeded. At that point, they had renamed themselves as the Kayn Empire, to show their aspiration for a global unity.
But to maintain this unification long enough, they needed a goal to strive for, to content the Kaynz. They eventually found that goal in space exploration and colonisation. They launched more space expedition than ever before and built their first long term spaceport, intended to serve both as a station and as a shipyard. 66 years after the end of the Last World War, they discovered hyperdrive technology. The enthusiasm raised by this discover led to a massive funding in that technology as a rapid growth of specialized industry.
At that point, the Empire ratified a new constitution: the New Kayn Act. An assembly of elected officials was formed to give an official counterbalance to the emperor's power. This act also implied changes in society and in economy. The economy was artificially shifted towards the Empire decision, leading to the collapse of bigger companies in favor of small to medium corporations. This is the main cause of the rapid development of space exploration and subspace travel. While this process was slow, expensive and limited to probes at first, the industrial and economical focus induced a quick evolution of the industry and allowed for the very first colony outside their original system.
In a few centuries, more than half of their galaxy was colonized, and still they were able to keep their authority everywhere. However, their rapid growth led to a resource crisis: despite having multiple colonies able to get those ressources, their home world having been mostly striped of these, they did not have the means to transport enough of them. The resource crisis eventually led to an unprecedented economical crisis which further slowed down the colonization progress, the Empire being ruined. It took a millenium for them to finally get back to necessary production capacity.
This crisis had brought many fears and convinced the Kaynz to reduce their expansion rate, by preventing the colonisation of new worlds for many centuries, until their transport and production means were declared sufficient