2. Getting PLC - McTurtles5/PLC GitHub Wiki
To get PLC you need to download the plugin.
To download it you should execute the code from here: Downloader.txt
After executing it, it should bring up a menu like this:
If you decide not to get PLC at this point for some reason, you can click the red button and it will close the menu.
If you still want to get PLC then click Download
It should download PLC and then give you this menu:
You can now press Close if you want to.
If you don't have Infinite Yield then you can get it here from this link: Infinite Yield
I'd recommend clicking on Loadstring below INFINITE YIELD FE.
After executing that you should get a menu that looks like this (bottom right corner):
And then just hover over it:
This is the last step to adding PLC.
On the bar type plugin PLC and you should be good to go:
Then to view the commands, scroll down on the menu below PRISON ADMIN
Don't confuse the Infinite Yield commands with the PLC ones. For example, the bring from PLC is pbring but the bring from Infinite Yield is bring
Have fun exploring the commands!