Ruleset Reference - McSherry/AppsAgainstHumanity GitHub Wiki
Cards Against Humanity has multiple official sets of rules that the game can be played by. AAH implements some of these rulesets, and allows clients to query for the ruleset a server is using via the META
command. This page lists implemented and planned rulesets for Apps Against Humanity.
Ruleset Name | Support | Identifier | Additional Information |
Standard | Full | 0 |
Players will play a round of Cards Against Humanity until one player reaches a set number of Awesome Points, at which point said player is declared the winner. |
Rebooting The Universe | None | 1 |
Players may, at any time, trade an Awesome Point in to draw as many cards as they please to replace the same number in their current hand. |
Packing Heat | None | 2 |
For all Pick 2 cards, players draw an additional white card before playing their hand. |
Rando Candrissian | None | 3 |
For each round, additional white cards belonging to an imaginary player as put into the mix. If this imaginary player wins, every human player enters a state of everlasting shame. |
God Is Dead | None | 4 |
Play without a Card Czar. Each player picks his or her favourite card for the round, and the card with the most points at the end of the round is the winner. |
Survival Of The Fittest | None | 5 |
After each player has submitted their choice of card, players take turns eliminating one card from the set. The final remaining card is declared victorious. |
Serious Business | None | 6 |
The Card Czar selects three cards from those played, and ranks them in order of how funny they are. The player of the first card receives three Awesome Points, the second two, and the third one. |