PlaceMoment - McMellonTeam/easierworldcreator GitHub Wiki
This library allow you to place shapes that covers multiple chunks during world gen without having the errors in the logs and having holes in your shape . However this comes with the fact that we have to separe the shapes placed during world gen and the shapes placed after the world gen (by using an item that spawn a structure for example). That's why we have a PlaceMoment.
as the title mention, when placing a shape during world gen, you have to mention it:
SphereGen sphere = new SphereGen(world, pos, Shape.PlaceMoment.WORLD_GEN, 32);
In that example, a sphere will be placed on a 4x4 chunk radius during world gen and only during world gen. If using that case when the moment is not world gen, only one chunk of the shape will be placed.
Example of a torus placed during world gen that covers multiple chunks:
when it's not world gen and you want to place the shape(on already generated chunks so) you have to use this PlaceMoment
If you're using this placemoment during world gen, your shape will not be placed entirely, your logs will be spammed, and in worse case, the game might crase. The only case when you'll not have issues is when your shape is smaller than 16 blocks(1 chunk).
Example of a sphere placed with a PlaceMoment == OTHER
with a radius of 150 blocks.