Material Settings - McManning/Coherence GitHub Wiki
When a mesh is synced from Blender the Material Settings map the Blender material names to matching Unity material assets.
The Material Overrides list is a direct one-to-one mapping between a named material in Blender and a Unity material asset and is the first thing checked. You can use the +/- buttons to add and remove mappings from this list.
If a Blender material is not in the overrides list then Coherence will use Unity's Resources.Load() to find a match in the Resources directory. The Resources Path setting designates a subdirectory to search for materials. For example: by setting it to Blender/Mats
and using a material named Diffuse
, Unity will search for Resources/Blender/Mats/Diffuse.mat
If Coherence fails to find a match in either the overrides or resources path, then the Default Material will be applied to the mesh.