Getting Started - McManning/Coherence GitHub Wiki


Stable Releases

Release packages are not available yet.

Unstable (Latest)

Download artifacts from the most recent Build Packages job.

These artifacts update whenever the master branch is pushed, which may include various breaking changes or bugs.


Install Blender Addon

In Blender, go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons and click Install. Select the you downloaded earlier.

After installation make sure it's selected in the Add-ons UI.

Blender Add-ons UI

If installation is successful, you should have a new Render Engine available under Render Properties in the Properties Panel:

Render Properties UI

Install Unity Package

Unzip the you downloaded.

In Unity, go to Window > Package Manager > + > Add package from disk and select the package you just unzipped.

Alternatively, you can just unzip it right into the Packages directory of your project.

Unity Package Manager

After installing the package, you can access the Coherence Settings window via Window > Coherence

Coherence Settings Window

Enable 'Unsafe' Code

Coherence uses a number of low level features in C# for interoperability with Blender so you will need to enable unsafe code for your Unity project.

In File > Project Settings go to the Player settings and enable Allow 'unsafe' Code:

Unity Project Settings Window

Starting Coherence

After installing into both Unity and Blender, you will need to "start" both ends to open a channel for communication.

In Unity - this is done by clicking Start in the Coherence Settings window.

Start Coherence in Unity

In Blender - select the Coherence render engine in Render Properties and then click the Start Coherence button:

Start Coherence in Blender

The render from Unity will only display in your viewport when you are using either the Material Preview or Render Preview mode. Click on either of these to activate the render engine:

Viewport Shading UI

If everything works as intended you should see the Unity scene, including your objects, synced up into the Blender viewport:

Blender Viewport Render

Check out the Table of Contents of this wiki for various features you can start playing around with.