RFTools Step By Step Creative - McJtyMods/RFTools GitHub Wiki

Step By Step (Creative)

Here is a compact step-by-step guide on how to make your first dimension in creative.

  • Ingredients (what will you have to spawn in):
    • 1 Creative Dimension Builder
    • 1 Dimension Enscriber
    • 1 Empty Dimension Tab
    • 1 Teleporter Probe item
    • Optionally a chunkloader to make sure your dimension builder keeps giving power.
    • Optionally a Dimension Monitor item to monitor the power level while in the dimension.
    • Optionally a number of craftable dimlets describing your dimension. You can leave this out and just make a random world.
  • Put the empty dimension tab in the dimension enscriber.
  • Optionally insert dimlets that you want to use.
  • Give the dimension a good name.
  • Press 'Store'. This will create a realized dimension tab. But the dimension isn't ready yet.
  • Put the realized dimension tab in the dimension builder. The dimension should be ready immediately if all goes well.
  • Check the tooltip on the realized dimension tab for the id of the dimension.
  • Keep the tab in the dimension builder so that it keeps on getting power.
  • Put the chunkloader down so that the dimension builder stays loaded.
  • Use the teleporter probe item to teleport to your new dimension (use the name or id to find out which it is).