RFTools Sequencer - McJtyMods/RFTools GitHub Wiki
The sequencer is an advanced redstone based sequencer. It is capable of giving out a series of 64 different signals. You can edit the pattern of these signals in the gui of this block.
The modes of this block are explained in the next page. You can also set the speed at which the cycles are played. Default is 1 which means that the cycle will proceed every tick.
It has six different modes:
Once1: cycle once when pulse arrives. Ignore further pulses
Once2: cycle once when pulse arrives. Restart on pulse
Loop1: loop continuously, ignore redstone signal
Loop2: loop continuously, restart on pulse
Loop3: loop continuously while redstone signal is on. If signal is down, stay at current step.
Loop4: loop continuously while redstone signal is on. If signal is down, restart.
Step: step through the cycle one by one
You can craft this block with the following recipe:
Here is a screenshot of the user interface: