RFTools Screen Modules - McJtyMods/RFTools GitHub Wiki
Screen Modules
Here is a list of all modules that are currently supported. More modules will follow in the future:
- Text module: this simple module consumes no power and simply displays a single line of text.
- Clock module: show the current time of the day (Minecraft day). In some dimensions this may actually show random stuff or a static time.
- Energy module: show the amount of energy in a selected block. To use this module you should first sneak-right click on the machine or energy storage that you want to monitor. If done right this should display a message that the module is now connected to that machine. You can then insert the module in the screen and configure it to show either the current amount of RF or else the RF/tick that is going out or in the machine. The maximum distance between the screen and the machine should not exceed 64.
- Energy Plus: no range limits but uses more power.
- Fluid module: show the amount of fluids in the selected tank. This uses a similar selection mechanism as the energy module.
- Fluid Plus: no range limits.
- Dimension module: show the amount of RF in the specified dimension. You can specify the dimension ID in the GUI.
- Counter module: show the current value of a counter logic block.
- Counter Plus: no range limits
- Redstone module: show a text based on the redstone value of a wireless channel.
- Inventory module: show up to 4 slots out of the selected inventory.
- Inventory Plus: no range limits
- Button: this is an interactive module that allows you to send a redstone signal when the user presses this button on screen. It can be configured as a toggle or as a single signal button. It uses the wireless redstone system from RFTools.
An example screen with three button modules that are configured to dial a teleporter to different locations:
The GUI of a screen containing several modules: