RFTools Endergenic - McJtyMods/RFTools GitHub Wiki
Endergenic Generator
The Endergenic Generator is the main block in the power generator system. This device can capture endergenic pearls and fire them again. It has three basic modes which are controlled by giving redstone pulses to this device:
Idle: this is the default mode. It just waits
Charging: in this mode the device can receive endergenic pearls
Holding: in this mode the device is holding a pearl
Charging Mode
Charging mode is a 15-tick cycle. The most optimal time to capture a pearl is at tick 10 (starting with tick 1). RF will also be generated if an endergenic pearl arrives at any other point in the charging cycle but the RF that can be generated will be a lot less.
When the charging cycle ends without a pearl being received then the machine will go into idle mode again.
Holding Mode
If a pearl is received then charging mode immediatelly ends and the machine goes into holding mode. In this mode it will consume RF every tick. Be careful holding the pearl for too long as you will then end up consuming more RF then you gained. If the internal storage of the generator does not have enough RF to hold the pearl then it will automatically be lost. Also each tick there is a small chance that the pearl will be lost in any case.
Selecting destinations
You can use a BuildCraft or Thermal Expansion compatible wrench to control the destination of each generator. If you don't set a destination then pearls will be automatically lost as soon as they are fired.
When selecting a generator with a wrench (right click) it will turn red and then you can go to the destination generator (right click it again) to set the destination. Pay attention to the message you get when you do this as it tells you the distance (in ticks) between the two generators. This can help you to time the rest of the system exactly right. Note that the maximum distance is set to 4 ticks so keep that in mind.
This mechanic of charging, holding and firing endergenic pearls at specific times implies precise timing and cooperation of multiple Endergenic Generators. You will need at least two generators to be able to produce power although it will probably be hard to get optimal RF production using only two generators.
If you have plenty of ender pearls and don't care too much about less then optimal generation you can just throw in as many pearls as you want from one generator and capture them in another. Then it that other generator you just fire them away immediatelly without caring about a destination. You will quickly consume lots of ender pearls this way so this might not be the best way to proceed.
You can craft this block with the following recipe: