RFTools Dimension Configuration - McJtyMods/RFTools GitHub Wiki


The dimension builder in RFTools is very configurable. The default configuration options attempt to make things as balancing as possible but it is possible to make things easier, or harder as you so desire. There are two config files.


The rftools/main.cfg file contains all of the general configuration settings. Most of which not related to the dimension builder except for one section called 'dimlets'. The settings have comments with them explaining what they are for but basically you can control the amount of power the dimension building machines should use, the difficulty level of the dimension system (if power runs out you die versus you are kicked out), the rarity of dimlet dungeons and some other flags having to do with random feature selection of generated dimensions.

To understand how this configuration file works you have to understand that every dimlet has basically three important settings:

  • Creation cost: this is the cost of creating a dimension (in RF/tick) when this dimlet is being used in a dimension.
  • Maintenance cost: this is the cost of maintaining a dimension (in RF/tick) that was created with this dimlet. Note that random features that were not specified by using dimlets in the dimension tab will only contribute for a (configurable) 10%.
  • Tick cost: this is the amount of ticks that adding this dimlet will add to the total creation time of a dimension.

main.cfg has the following dimlet related sections (there are other sections not related to dimensions):

  • general: this section contains the minimal/base cost for creating a dimension. The cost starts with these values and then the cost of the individual dimlets is added to that.
  • mobspawns: in this section you can control the amount of mobs, the size of the mob groups as well as the maximum amount of mobs loaded at the same time. These settings are only used in combination with the 'mob' dimlets. Regular mob spawning does not use these settings.
  • rarity: dimlets in RFTools have seven levels of rarity. level 0 is most common and level 6 is most rare. If level0 is 500 times bigger then level6 then that means that level0 dimlets are 500 times more common then level6 dimlets. You can change these values to influence which features are selected during random dimension generation as well as which dimlets you get from the researcher and scrambler.
  • dimletsettings: In this section you can also control the specific rarity and cost for dimlets that should be different from the type default (see below).
  • typerarity: the default rarity for every type. Individual dimlets can override this.
  • typerfcreatecost: the default rf/tick creation cost for a given type of dimlet.
  • typerfmaintaincost: the default rf/tick maintenance cost for a given type of dimlet.
  • typetickcost: the default tick cost for a given type of dimlet.


This file doesn't exist by default. You can add it to the rftools config folder if you want to add your own custom material dimlets. The format is as follows:


['material', 'minecraft', 'planks', 5],

['material', 'minecraft', 'planks', 3],

['material', 'somemod', 'copperOre', 0],


So basically it is 'material' (currently only material dimlets can be added), the ID of the mod, the name of the block and metadata.