RFTools Commands 1.10.2 - McJtyMods/RFTools GitHub Wiki


Note, many commands in this page are only available in creative or with sufficient rights. Also many commands here are very dangerous and can mess up your world if you use them wrong. Make backups!

RftDim: dimension commands

  • /rftdim createdim <name> <terrain>: create a new dimension. The terrain should be one of the terrain types ('Void', 'Flat', 'Normal', 'Amplified', 'Island', 'Liquid', 'Solid', ...). Warning! Case matters!
  • /rftdim list: list all RFTools dimensions and their current power status.
  • /rftdim setpower [<rf>]: set the power of the current dimension to the given amount of power. If no parameter is supplied it will set the power of the dimension to maximum.
  • /rftdim info [<dimension>]: dump the full information for the given dimension (or the current dimension if no number was given). This shows all randon and non-random features that were used when generating the dimension.
  • /rftdim safedel <dimension>: safer way to delete a dimension. This combines /rftdim deldim and /rftdim safedel and also cleans up the teleportation receiver from the list. If enabled in the config players can delete their own dimensions.
  • /rftdim createtab <dimension>: create a realized dimension tab for the given dimension.
  • /rftdim setowner <dimension> <playerName>: set the player that owns a dimension. This has to be done when the player is online.

RftDb: debugging commands

  • /rftdb testdimlet <type> <mod> <name>: return the current rules for that dimlet (rarity/cost/...). Note: type is case senstive and must be a type like: Biome, Terrain, Material, Liquid, Special, Sky, ...
  • /rftdb createdimlet <type> <name>: Create a dimlet of a given name. Note: type is case senstive and must be a type like: Biome, Terrain, Material, Liquid, Special, Sky, ... The name format depends on the type (more on that below)
  • /rftdb listdimlets: list all known dimlets on the console (log)

Dimlet name format

The internal name or ID of a dimlet depends on the type of dimlet. Here is a list of all types with some examples. Note that case matters in all cases:

  • Biome: minecraft:taiga_hills
  • Controller: Checker, Cold, Default, Dry, Single, Islands, ...
  • Terrain: Void, Flat, Normal, Amplified, Liquid, Solid, ...
  • Material: minecraft:wool@4, rftools:dimensional_shard_ore@0
  • Liquid: minecraft:lava@0, tconstruct:blueslime@0
  • Mob: Cow, Creeper, Chicken, ...
  • Sky: body.large.moon, black.clouds, blue, blue.fog, bright.night, normal.day, stars1, ...
  • Structure: Fortress, Dungeon, Mineshaft, ...
  • Feature: Tendrils, Ravines, Pyramids, Oregen, Orbs, ...
  • Time: Noon, Normal, Slow, Fast, Morning, Midnight, Evening
  • Effect: Blindness, DamageBoost2, HealthBoost3, Jump2, Regeneration1, ...
  • Special: Cheater, Efficiency, MediocreEfficiency, Peaceful, Shelter, ...
  • Weather: no.rain, no.thunder, light.rain, hard.thunder, default, ...
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