RFTools Commands - McJtyMods/RFTools GitHub Wiki


Note, many commands in this page are only available in creative or with sufficient rights. Also many commands here are very dangerous and can mess up your world if you use them wrong. Make backups!

RftDim: dimension commands

  • /rftdim list: list all RFTools dimensions and their current power status.
  • /rftdim deldim <dimension>: delete an RFTools dimension. The ID is not automatically reclaimed (i.e. it is not automatically made available for other RFTools dimensions). It is recommended to use /rftdim safedel instead of this command.
  • /rftdim reclaim <dimension>: reclaim a previously deleted dimension ID so that RFTools will use it for the next new dimension.
  • /rftdim safedel <dimension>: safer way to delete a dimension. This combines /rftdim deldim and /rftdim safedel and also cleans up the teleportation receiver from the list. If enabled in the config players can delete their own dimensions.
  • /rftdim setowner <dimension> <playerName>: set the player that owns a dimension. This has to be done when the player is online.
  • /rftdim tp <dimension> <x> <y> <z>: teleport to the dimension at the specified location.
  • /rftdim dumprarity [<bonus>]: this command generates 10000000 dimlets (same way the researcher would do it) and prints out a table with all returned dimlets sorted by the number of times the dimlet was returned. This way the most rare dimlets are at the top. The optional bonus is a small factor which gives a bonus to rarer dimlets. A bonus factor of 0.16 is the maximum bonus that a fully infused scrambler will give if it gets three rarity 6 dimlets as input.
  • /rftdim dumpmrarity: this is similar to dumprarity but it only dumps material dimlets with the rarity distribution that is used for dimlet selection for features (not terrains as they will avoid some dimlets that are too expensive/dangerous for terrains).
  • /rftdim effectlist: list all effects active in this dimension. This only includes effects that are actually produced by the dimension itself. It will not include effects from any buffs the player may have on him personally or effects from the environmental controller.
  • /rftdim effectadd <effect>: add an effect to the active effects for this dimension. This value will be remembered when the game is restarted.
  • /rftdim effectdel <effect>: remove an effect from the current dimension.
  • /rftdim setpower [<rf>]: set the power of the current dimension to the given amount of power. If no parameter is supplied it will set the power of the dimension to maximum.
  • /rftdim info [<dimension>]: dump the full information for the given dimension (or the current dimension if no number was given). This shows all randon and non-random features that were used when generating the dimension.
  • /rftdim createtab <dimension>: create a realized dimension tab for the given dimension.
  • /rftdim recover [<dimension>]: this command allows you to recover a lost dimension. Dimension information is stored in a file data/RFToolsDimensoinManager.dat. That file can get corrupt or due to a bug the information in it can get lost. If this happens then this command might help you. The best way to use this command is if you still have the dimension tab that was used to create the lost dimension in the first place. Hold that tab in your hand and then type this command. This should restore the tab and dimension. If you don't have the dimension anymore you can try to recreate a dimension tab with the same dimlets (or as much as you remember) and then do this command. But in that case you also need to supply a dimension id and the recovered dimension can possibly have chunk borders (near explored boundaries) or things that are slightly different compared to the original.
  • /rftdim savedims <directory>: this command will save a json containing dimension information for all RFTools dimension. It will create a separate file for every dimension.
  • /rftdim savedim <dimension> <filename>: this command will save a single dimension to a file.
  • /rftdim loaddim <dimension> <filename>: take a dimension file saved with savedim or savedims and load it back into the dimension. If you are careful you can edit dimensions this way. But again, be careful!

RftTp: teleportation commands

  • /tfttp list: list all receivers in the entire world (well your entire Minecraft world that is).
  • /rfttp cleanup: cleanup receivers that got removed without RFTools noticing it (should be rare unless you're doing strange things).

RftCfg: configuration commands

  • /rftcfg buffs <x> <y>: set the x,y location on screen for the list of buffs for the environmental controller. If you set these values to -1 this buff bar will not be shown.
  • /rftcfg setstyle [<style>]: display or set the current list style that is used for various lists in RFTools. The default is 'flat' but you can also set this to 'bevel'. Note that you can also change this style from within the GUI itself using the small 's' button on the right.
  • /rftcfg reset: reset the player preferences to defaults (only for buffs and style).
  • /rftcfg dimletcfg: keep a known dimlet in your hand and type this command to get all information you can possibly add to the config related to this dimlet. Handy if you don't know how to blacklist a dimlet.
  • /rftcfg dumpclasses [<code>]: dump classification information for all items in game and how the generic type module would sort them.

RftDb: debugging commands

  • /rftdb refresh: do NOT use. Not yet implemented.
  • /rftdb toggle: toggle debug mode on. In this mode some machines have more debugging output.
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