Meeting Minutes Deliverable 4 - McGill-ECSE321-Winter2022/project-group-group-08 GitHub Wiki
April 09 2022 (4pm - 7pm)
- Discuss capacitorJS vs Kotlin
- Connect the pages and ensure consistency throughout UI
Aigiarn Cheuk, Mihail Calitoiu, Selina Gao, Joey Koay, Joey Liu, Kevin Liu
Meeting Minutes
- Emailed professor and TA to confirm that we can use capacitor
- Connected Heroku website frontend to backend
Action Items
- Continue doing our assigned pages
- Wait for email response. If allowed, set up capacitorJS and make UI mobile friendly
April 10th 2022 (5pm - 7pm)
- Troubleshoot capacitorJS
Mihail Calitoiu, Selina Gao, Joey Liu, Kevin Liu
Meeting Minutes
- Troubleshooted capacitorJS
- Ensured it runs on the grader environment