Meeting Minutes Deliverable 3 - McGill-ECSE321-Winter2022/project-group-group-08 GitHub Wiki
March 29th 2022 (2:30pm - 7pm)
- Work on web frontend
- Troubleshot problems encountered during implementation
- Discuss rough layout of the web design and expectations of the styling
Aigiarn Cheuk, Mihail Calitoiu, Joey Koay, Joey Liu, Kevin Liu
Meeting Minutes
- Worked on web front end
- Troubleshooted problems encountered during implementation
- Discussed rough layout of web design and expectations of the styling
Action Items
- Continue working on the web front end
- Continue working on the frontend integration with the backend
April 1st 2022 (7pm - 12am)
- Troubleshoot problems encountered during implementation
- Styling of the pages
- Finish web frontend implementation
- Finish frontend integration with backend
Aigiarn Cheuk, Selina Gao, Joey Koay, Joey Liu, Kevin Liu, Mihail Calitoiu
Meeting Minutes
- Troubleshot problems encountered during implementation
- Work on styling of the web pages
- Aim to finish everything by 11:00AM the next day
Action Items
- Finish everything by 11:00 AM the next day
- Finish styling
- Finish documentation
- Finish frontend integration with backend
- Finish web frontend implementation
Deliverable 3 info:
Admin account
- username: BigBoss
- password: I am the best
- Frontend App:
- Backend App: