Meeting Minutes (Sprint2) - McGill-ECSE321-Winter2022/project-group-group-08 GitHub Wiki
March 02 2022 (3:30pm - 4:30pm)
- Go through deliverable 2's overview
- Split up tasks
Aigiarn Cheuk, Selina Gao, Joey Koay, Joey Liu, Kevin Liu
Meeting Minutes
- Task split up the classes as following
Aigiarn Cheuk: Customer, Employee
Mihail Calitoiu: Receipt, UserRole
Selina Gao: GroceryStoreSystem, Manager
Joey Koay: Item, Quantity
Joey Liu: Person, Account
Kevin Liu: Cart, BusinessHours
Action Items
- Do DTO, Controllers, Services
March 08th 2022 (7pm - 9pm)
- Go over written DTO, Controller, Service
- Discuss/troubleshoot any problem faced
- Discuss how to do test
Aigiarn Cheuk, Mihail Calitoiu, Selina Gao, Joey Koay, Joey Liu, Kevin Liu
Meeting Minutes
- Trouble shoot DTO, Controllers and Services
Action Items
- Do DTO, Controllers, Services, Tests
March 08th 2022 (7pm - 9pm)
- Go over written DTO, Controller, Service
- Go over written tests
- Discuss/troubleshoot any problem faced
Aigiarn Cheuk, Mihail Calitoiu, Selina Gao, Joey Koay, Joey Liu, Kevin Liu
Meeting Minutes
- Trouble shoot DTO, Controllers, Services, and Tests
- Discussed new changes to domain model
Action Items
- Do DTO, Controllers, Services, Tests
- Change existing code to match new domain model
March 14th 2022 (7:30pm - 10pm)
- Finish service tests and fix any bugs on the tests
- Finish smoke testing
- Finalize project wiki
Aigiarn Cheuk, Mihail Calitoiu, Selina Gao, Joey Koay, Joey Liu, Kevin Liu
Meeting Minutes
- Finished service testing
- Finished smoke testing
Action Items
- Finalize project wiki