Meeting Minutes - McGill-ECSE321-Winter2022/project-group-group-08 GitHub Wiki
February 10th 2022 (7pm - 9pm)
- Group Introduction
- Discussed expectations for each other
- Go through the project overview
- Go through deliverable 1's overview
- Start Domain Model
- Start Requirements
Aigiarn Cheuk, Mihail Calitoiu, Selina Gao, Joey Koay, Joey Liu, Kevin Liu
Meeting Minutes
- Understanding during exam season
- Be available through text
- Created a domain model
- Came up with a list of requirements
Action Items
- Review domain model on own time, and think of ways to improve it/simplify it
- Double check with professor between function & non-functional requirements
- Set up the project (Spring, Heroku, File Structure)
February 13th 2022 (2pm - 9pm)
- Go through Domain Model
- Discuss Requirements
- Make Use Case Diagrams
- Convert Requirements into Issues
- Start turning the Domain Model into Models in the code
Aigiarn Cheuk, Selina Gao, Joey Koay, Joey Liu, Kevin Liu
Meeting Minutes
- Switched up domain models according to self reflection and feedback received from TA and the professor
- Decided on the 5 most important use cases and made the diagrams
- Turned requirements into issues
- Started converting domain models into code
- Split up the DAO and test cases
Action Items
- Review domain model on own time, and think of ways to improve it/simplify it
- Double check with professor about our requirement's hierarchy
- Code the models
- Code the DAO
- Code the test cases
February 16th 2022 (1pm - 6pm)
- Debug model (JPA tags)
Mihail Calitoiu, Joey Koay, Joey Liu
Meeting Minutes
- Figured out the proper way to include JPA tags
Action Items
- Code the Models
- Code the DAO
- Code the Test Cases