Key Design Decisions Deliverable 3 - McGill-ECSE321-Winter2022/project-group-group-08 GitHub Wiki

The pages were split into hard and easy pages according to the architecture model. As a rough layout, there is a browse, cart, login, profile/change profile, shift management, view shifts, inventory management, account management and store management main functional components that are interconnected between them. The pages were split and designed according to conventional grocery store systems' functionalities, for example, what each role should be able to see and modify. As such, the manager has access to shift management, store management and account management pages that fulfill the functionalities of updating grocery store opening hours, assigning shifts, banning customers and firing employees. The employee has access to view shifts. The customer is able to view profile, update profile, browse items, add items to cart, checkout and log out, as per conventional grocery store systems' necessary functionalities. There is also a homepage that leads to a view grocery store opening hours, a login and a sign up page.