5. Map Icons - McBen/IITCPluginKit_Example GitHub Wiki
Next we want to mark these portals on the map.
Leaflet is the underlaying library for all the drawing stuff. All visible items are based on 'L.Layer'. A LayerGroup will be our container for all our things.
class CountPortals implements Plugin.Class {
private layer: L.LayerGroup<any>;
init(): void {
console.log("CountPortals " + VERSION);
this.layer = new L.LayerGroup();
window.addLayerGroup("Portals on path", this.layer, true);
By calling "window.addLayerGroup" we transfer the visibility control of our layer container to the IITC Layer Control (the top right layer-chooser)
Now draw circles around our portals.
[...] function doCount() [...]
id: "pathPortals",
title: "Portals on Path",
html: contents
private drawPortals(portals: IITC.Portal[]): void {
portals.forEach(portal => {
const marker = new L.CircleMarker(portal.getLatLng(), {
color: "red",
stroke: true
A CircleMarker is a quick an easy solution. If you prefer some more unique you could create a "L.Marker" and add a custom "L.Icon". But here we'll stay with circles.
Showing them all the time is a little bit annoying. We'll bind their visibility to the dialog.
class CountPortals implements Plugin.Class {
private layer?: L.LayerGroup<any>;
init(): void {
console.log("CountPortals " + VERSION);
Remove the initialization and let Typescript know that the layer value can be undefined ("layer?").
id: "pathPortals",
title: "Portals on Path",
html: contents,
closeCallback: () => this.onDialogClose()
private drawPortals(portals: IITC.Portal[]): void {
if (this.layer) {
this.layer = new L.LayerGroup();
portals.forEach(portal => {
const marker = new L.CircleMarker(portal.getLatLng(), <any>{
color: "red",
stroke: true,
clickable: false, /* Leaflet 0.7*/
interactive: false /* Leaflet 1.0+*/
onDialogClose(): void {
if (this.layer) {
this.layer = undefined;
We removed the "addLayerGroup" to get back full control of the visibility of the layer. Then we directly add our container to the map and add a close-event handler to the dialog.
There are two new option in "new L.CircleMarker". These will prevent click interaction. One is for the old Leaflet the other for the newer version.
If you want user interaction change the clickable and interactive to true
and add a marker.on("click", ()=> ...)
event handler.
Since the current type in IITCPluginKit only covers the old Leaflet the 'interactive' will generate a compiler error. To prevent this we changed the type to the allrounder <any>
. Long story short: You should avoid "any" if possible.
Next: 6. Hooks