1. Install and Setup - McBen/IITCPluginKit_Example GitHub Wiki

Tutorial - CountPortals

What we'll get when it's done: a plugin that count portals in hackrange of a DrawTools polyline.

0. What you need to start:

Not required but helpfull: knowledge of: HTML, CSS/postCSS, JQuery, Leaflet, Typescript or Javascript.

1. Creating the plugin

  • create a directory for your project (countPortals)
  • open a terminal window and run:
    yarn add iitcpluginkit

This will install all required software (inside a node_modules directory) and might take a little bit. You can ignore the warnings about deprecated dependencies. If you got an error it's most likley about an incompatible node version.

  • let IITCPluginKit create a default plugin layout for you:
    yarn ipk

  • Enter "CountPortals" (case sensitive!) for plugin name and leave the rest default.

  • Open /src/Main and replace the // FILL ME with alert("Hello World");

  • save and run:
    yarn autobuild

This will start building your code everytime you save your changes. Additional it provides a small fileserver to ease installation. Wait a little moment till you see the compilation is finished. (something like:
[0] Built at: 2020-07-11 22:35:01
[0] Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
[0] iitc_plugin_CountPortals.dev.user.js 23.7 KiB main [emitted] main...

  • Open http://localhost:8100
    and install your freshly created Plugin. Open or reload you iitc browser window.


You should see the good old "Hello World" message.

Congratulation for your first IITC-Plugin.

1.1 updating

You won't need that now but sooner or later you'll need to update the IITCPluginKit.
yarn outdated will show you if you're still uptodate
yarn upgrade will do all minor version upgrades

Sometimes the upgrade may break your code (like renamed function,...).
Run yarn add iitcpluginkit to do the bigger step and see if your code still compiles well. Maybe you should look at the changelog: IITCPluginKit/changelog.txt

next: 2. Starting Buttons