Commands - MazeXD/cuwo GitHub Wiki
Note that the prefix can be changed in, Line 195
By default the prefix is '/'
{ } = Required [ ] = Optional
/pm {player} {message}
- Sends a private message to {player} in the format "Player (PM): {messages}"
- Displays information about the server, including the current cuwo revision and Operating System
/whereis [player]
- Shows your position if left blank
- Shows [player]'s position if specified and if player is currently online
/login {password}
- Elevates your permissions to enable Admin Commands
- {password} is configurable in /, by default it is 'PASSWORDREPLACEME'
Admin Commands
/say {message}
- Sends {message} to all players
/kick {player}
- Forcibly disconnects {player}
/setclock {time}
- Sets the current world time to {time}
- {time} should be in 24hr clock format '13:37'
/ban {player} [reason]
- Blacklists a {player} and announces it in chat as '{player} has been banned: [reason]'
- If no reason is specified as [reason], 'No reason specified' is used by default.
/kill {player}
- Kills a player and announced it in chat as '{player} was killed'
IRC Commands
Note that the prefix can be changed in, Line 37
By default the prefix is '.'
- List the names of the players connected