Watt Calculation - MaynardMiner/SWARM GitHub Wiki

SWARM will automatically calculate the cost of electricity for your gpu's, and factor that into the profit equation. This does not factor in cpu use, and other items- Just GPU's at the moment.

Note: -WattOMeterdepends on the drivers being able to be queued for its information. Background miner, SWARM, and HiveOS all queue driver for its information often. This may cause driver to be too busy to respond (You are using it to mine after all). If this happens to certain algorithms- You may have to modify the watts in .\config\power\power.json. I am working on a remote command to set the stat with an easier method.

-WattOMeter Yes will allow SWARM to automate the watt-calculation process per algorithm- However, watt calculations on the software side is not 100% accurate. Occasionally SWARM can fail during benchmarking queuing the drivers (as they are busy), and this can generate miscalculation. -WattOMeter is meant more for users who are interested in seeing the relative figures of cost of mining with SWARM, or to assist in building you own power profile. It can be turned off and on as necessary. -WattOMeter default figures are based on $0.10/kw/day, and can be adjusted, as notated below. Note: 1050ti's and other cards which do not have power draw information will default to 75 watts.

Within the config folder- There is a folder called power. Within that folder is a file called power.conf. power.conf can be opened with notepad or wordpad, and allows you to build your own power profile for SWARM. Opening that file, and you will find a Json that contains the current power profile

    "KWh": {
      "KWh": "0.1"

The first item defines your KWH hour, and should be based on your -Currency argument (default is USD).

   "default": {
     "NVIDIA1_Watts": "1200",
     "NVIDIA2_Watts": "",
     "NVIDIA3_Watts": "",
     "AMD1_Watts": "",
     "CPU_Watts": "75"

The next item is the default settings. If you do not have a power profile for the current algorithm, SWARM will defer to the default profile. Obviously, if you are dividing your rig, using the multi-platform setup: Use must fill out the watts used for each platform.


The remaining items are the algorithm profiles. If you choose to fill out the algorithm profile:

1.) The more algorithms you fill out yourself, the more accurate your calculations will be.

2.) You can run -WattOMeter Yes to attain your rig's power benchmarks for algorithms you may not know the watts for.

3.) Without default power figures- SWARM will assume watts to be 0. So likely the profit return will be higher than other algorithms. It's good to have a default if you are leaving -WattOMeter Yes. It is advised the best method of using -WattOMeter is to run during benchmarks, then set to No to lock values in.