Minimum Requirements - MaynardMiner/SWARM GitHub Wiki

Minimum Requirements Of SWARM


SWARM consumes ~1 gb of onboard RAM. You can utilize page/swap file to workaround, but will come at cost of both miner and SWARM performance. This does not include RAM required for GPU consumption. Most larger GPU mining rigs can require up to ~4gb of RAM to operate.

Hard Drive

~2.0 gb of Hard Drive free space is required. More may be required if using multiple mining devices (AMD and GPU). SWARM can work on USB stick, but bare in mind that SWARM is a database. Having a poor physical drive may affect SWARM's performance.


Dual Core Intel Pentium Processor or better. You will suffer at mining performance greatly if you do not have.


  • Windows 10
  • Ubuntu 18.04


  • SWARM can utilize and AMD or NVIDIA gpu with onboard memory on card (not shared memory, such as most laptops)
  • GPU's that have less than 6gb available RAM will cause certain gpus to fail, and get banned by AI. Do not worry if this happens- Plenty of algorithms to mine! Just wait for SWARM to benchmark through all algorithms. Or use -Algorithm parameter if you have a certain set of algorithms you wish SWARM to work with.


  • Support Above 4G Decoding.
  • Support gen 2 PCI.