FAQ - MaynardMiner/SWARM GitHub Wiki
How do I add/remove an algorithm to SWARM?
The config folder is the "brain" of SWARM. To modify settings of SWARM, you want to modify those files (everyone except parameters- They are set with your arguments).
pools folder: Contains pool-algos.json . This is the control file which tells SWARM what algorithms to search for, and what their name should be inputted as in SWARM. Adding/Removing to this file changes the pool search.
miners folder: This folder contains the control files for each miner. If you want to add an algorithm, you do so in the same manner the current algorithm is written. All algorithms need a commands, difficulty, naming, and oc setting, if it is null, or you will get errors.
-commands are extra arguments to miner launch. -difficulty is what you want to set the pool difficulty to (if you want to set it). -naming is the name you want the miner launch the algorithm as (example: "aergo:aeriumx" for enemy). -oc settings is for oc-tuning. See "oc" folder and sample json on how to set oc.
Lastly- Since NVIDIA can divided into multiple device groups: You have to set the above for each device group you are using. If you are just using NVIDIA1 device group, then NVIDIA1 is all you need to change.
My returns are not matching what SWARM estimates, why is that?
Swarm gathers profit data from pool websites, which they in turn gather stats from the markets they use. All of these stats are speculative in nature. SWARM is an auto-exchange miner, exchanging coins into another is the most important aspect of the process. Once a coin is discovered, it will take time for it to "mature", and confirm the transaction to the pool. This process can take time to do. During that time, the market value may have gone up or down depending on market forces. As of the past few months in which this FAQ was written, the market has been on a volatile downturn, forcing exchange profits down, as the market capital for all coins shrink.
Conversely, if the market was to turn upward- SWARM, and other auto-exchange miners would be the first to benefit, due to the fact that your coins would be exchanged higher in value than what was estimated. It is important however to emphasize that the profitability of SWARM, is dependent on the decentralized marketplace, and if you see lower returns- It may be an indication to consider buying during the "dip" rather than mining during so.
Miners are freezing/SWARM is freezing. What can I do?
Generally there are three which reasons in which one could experience a soft crash:
1.) Not enough memory- Most miners are starting to reach above 4gb in RAM in unix.
You may need to enable a SWAP file in order to use. Windows users should increase
their system paging file to the largest size they possibly can.
2.) Hardware issues- SWARM, in a very intense manner, switches miners often, and
does so quite intensely. If you are often experiencing crashes, and didn't do so
previously- This doesn't mean SWARM is failing. It could be a result of increased
power use, or increase bandwidth on your PCI bridge that is causing the issue.
There may be a possibility that your rig as it is setup, may not be able to mine
that that particular algorithm, or use that particular miner. You should first
begin the process of troubleshooting potential hardware conflicts.
3.) New technology issues- SWARM is always attempting to use bleeding edge miners
and technology. These developers work hard to support all hardware, but there may
be the possibility that your hardware may have conflicts, or there is simply a bug
with the software. This is much more prevalent on the amd side. You may have to perform
additional fine tuning with each miner in order to achieve better performance. SWARM
runs every miner on generic settings, and in some cases, depending on your GPU- Generic
settings may simply not work.
Lastly, you should always confirm there is no extra spaces or errors in SWARM's arguments!
Help! Something is failing on all my rigs in SWARM! I can't possibly modify them all...How do I fix this?
SWARM was built upon the HiveOS framework, which is meant for rapid deployment and changes across the entire farm through its flight sheet management system. You can take advantage of this, by modifying only 1 SWARM application, creating your own download link, and then apply that link your flight sheet. This allows you to make changes quickly and effectively. One of the main reasons HiveOS is used, is for this reason.
My AMD miners are restarting while running cnheavy XMR-STAK. What do I do?
You likely have 4gb cards. You can optimize to run it better with the following (user submitted):
--opencl-platform AMD --opencl-devices 0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7 --opencl-launch 504x8,504x8,504x8,504x8,896x8,896x8,504x8,504x8,504x8,504x8,896x8,896x8,896x8,896x8,896x8,896x8 --opencl-strided-index 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 --opencl-mem-chunk 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 --opencl-unroll 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8
There is a clear bug in SWARM, what can I do to fix it?
Swarm is open sourced- And I try to continuously update repository as bugs are found, and release when I am fully completed. You can check the current change.log
file in repository to see if a fix has been committed to codebase, and hasn't been implemented. Just bare in mind that active repository is constantly under maintenance, and may not be fully completed. You can post in the Issues section to make me aware of any bugs you may find, and I will research asap.
The algorithm states veil, but I am mining x16rt, what is going on?
nlpool.nl labels the coin veil independent of other x16rt algorithms due to wallet design, but it is an x16rt algorithm.
There are various changes like this. SWARM uses the official HiveOS naming schema for website, so that you can make oc profiles for each algorithm.
What is the developer fee?
SWARM uses an algebraic equation to calculate the number of 288 periods it should mine within a day to get as close to the developer fee as it possibly can (usually a +/- 10 second deviation) depending on your -Interval
parameter. As of this wiki, the current developer fee is 1.5% daily. At 1.5% with BTC at the price of $10,000 USD, the fastest consumer card on the market 2080ti will be ~0.02 USD a day goes to developer. If you think that is too much, I have nothing to say to you. It may look like SWARM is taking more, because the period changes happen about ~5 hours, but it is very accurate.
At the time of this message, I have hundreds of users but make less than $2.00 a day from them. I ask to consider donating with the -Donate parameter if you find it useful.
There are items in SWARM that checks for tampering of the Developer fee. If you start trying to change SWARM, and it stops working- It is because of this. I keep SWARM open source purely for users to modify to their likely, but if you are going to modify it to cheat the 1.5% fee, I wanted to at least make some kind of challenge to do it.