Statuses of Plugins - Maxqia/PoreRT GitHub Wiki


Plugin Name Status of Plugin
ViaVersion Works perfectly, Sponge Version Available
ProtocolSupport Works perfectly!
Advanced Portals Working with this pull request
DoubleJumpMinus Works perfectly! /shill
HolographicDisplays Works with SpongeVanilla (Doesn't work with Forge though)


Plugin Name Status of Plugin
EssentialsX Usable ..., might spam your server console with errors though
Residence Things kinda work, but I wouldn't trust it (e.g some protections don't work)


Plugin Name Status of Plugin
Any Permissions Plugin Ever Just Please Don't, It won't work for Minecraft/Sponge commands
WorldEdit Sponge version available, Bukkit version needs NMS and some Unimplemented Functions
WorldGuard Sponge Port "Planned", Needs Bukkit WorldEdit to Work
OldCombatMechanics Needs more Bukkit support
Multiverse DO NOT USE! Your worlds won't be generated correctly.