Solutions Design and Architecture - MaximilianoSanLa/ProjectP1 GitHub Wiki

1. Architecture & Data

1.1. Deployment Diagram

Deployment drawio

1.2. Component Diagram

ComponentsDiagram drawio Client:

Create clinical record: Creates a clinical record for a pet in order to track its progress.

Management Console Client: A console that facilitates the access to different services.

Rate Vet: Allows the client to access recent appointments and rate them.

Medicine notifications: Notifies the client of medicines for their pet.

Show vet specialities: Shows the different vet specialties to clients.

View Vets: Shows different veterinarians depending on search.


Register: Allows both clients and users to create accounts.

Create appointment: Allows both client and users to create appointments.

Upload Files: Allows the users and clients to upload medical files to the medical history or reports.

Visualize Clinical Record: Allows both clients and users to visualize clinical records.

Log_in: Allows both clients and users to log into the platform.

Visualize appointments: Allows clients and users to visualize appointments belonging to them.

Data analysis on pets per breed: The system generates a graph for every different pet and breed.

Display authentication error: Shows an error when users or clients log in or register in order to facilitate the log in or register process.

Average for vet ratings: Each veterinarian has an average rating on their profile based on client ratings.

User: Update Report: Allows a user to update a report they made previously

Create Report: This allows a user to create a report based on an appointment.

Create Resume: This allows a user to create a resume for themselves.

Management Console User: The management console for users that allows them to access their services easily.

1.3. Data Model


2. Mockups

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-17 at 8 49 42 PM

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-17 at 8 50 01 PM

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-17 at 8 50 58 PM

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-17 at 8 51 12 PM


3. Repository


4. Video


5. Project Management



