Report_Retrospective - MaximilianoSanLa/ProjectP1 GitHub Wiki


As a team we should keep meeting every week to check and coordinate work. We can improve by focusing in a single requirement instead of multiple ones. Bottleneck inside the team would be coordinating meeting times, in order to solve this we will set up meeting times a week earlier and have an emergency meeting time in case certain day is not available.


As a team we should keep each other in contact like before, and we can improve by keeping the database unmodified until everyone is done developing their requirements in order to avoid critical errors from it. The bottleneck would be wrong estimates on development times that cause us to be behind schedule, this can be solved by having time extensions for worst case scenarios.


We should keep using commits with associated names in order to keep the different project versions in check, we can improve by understanding where our project goal is because we end deviating from our initial goal, we solved this by focusing on our goal and discarding any ideas that went outside of it.


Following the UI kit allowed us to simplify front end design, the toughest bottleneck we have faced was keeping our motivation towards the improvement towards the project. One of the possible solutions we thought of was making goals to finish by the end of the week and show our progress in a better way in order to motivate ourselves.