Product_Vision - MaximilianoSanLa/ProjectP1 GitHub Wiki


The idea is to make a service on a website that offers the opportunity to administrate and visualize the medical record of your mascot. The products name would be PetPal and it´s a software designed for the administration of information. We are different from normal services because we share the clinical history that a pet has between vets.

Target Gruop

  • USERS: Veterinaries.
  • COSTUMER: Owners of pets.


  1. Administration of clinical record.
  2. Facilitate information management.
  3. Create profile.
  4. Digitalization of data.
  5. Alarm system.
  6. Quality of service.


  • It is a web page to manage information of pets.
  • We can have a better management of our pet's information by sharing information by profiles. In this way we improve the treatment it receives at the veterinaries.
  • Yes, it is feasible to develop our product and if used properly it can improve the quality of life of our pets.

Business Goals

  • Veterinarians will be able to share information about pets easily and this will facilitate all their clinical treatment such as vaccinations, diseases, among other things. This will speed up the process of going to the vet and gives more tranquility to the owners because the pet will be in the best possible treatment.