PMV‐Documentation - MaximilianoSanLa/ProjectP1 GitHub Wiki

Requirementidentifier | Requirement | Developed (Yes / No)

FR01 | If the user or customer is not signed up, then the system shall show the user or client the credentials page. | Yes

FR02 | After the profile of a pet is created the system shall create a clinical record for the pet. | Yes

FR03 | While a pet is in the middle of an appointment the system shall provide the user the ability to create a report for that pet. | Yes

FR04 | If the pet has been registered, then the system shall provide the user and customer with the ability to visualize a clinical record for the pet. | Yes

FR05 | If a created report belongs to the user, then the system shall provide the user the ability to modify that report. | Yes

FR06 | While the user is creating a report the system shall provide the user the ability to upload files to a report. | No

FR07 | If the user or customer is not signed in, then the system shall show the user or client the credentials page. | Yes

FR08 | The system shall provide the user with the ability to visualize appointments. | Yes

FR09 | The system shall provide a graphic report on the amount of registered pets by race. | Yes

FR10 | The system shall provide the user and customer with the ability to create a new appointment with a veterinarian if and only if that time is not selected. | Yes

FR11 | The system should provide visualization on the management console with report creation, appointments view, report viewing, and patients overview to the user. | Yes

FR12 | The system should provide a score system of the vet for the clients. | Yes

FR13 | If the client had an appointment with the user, then the system should provide the client with the ability to make a review on that appointment. | Yes

FR14 | The system should provide the client visualization on a management console with report views, appointment view, programming appointments, and the clinical history of pets they own. | Yes

FR15 | The system could provide the users with the ability to generate a résumé about the service(s) they offer. | No

FR16 | The system could provide the user with the ability to show their specialty in their profile. | No

FR17 | The system could create a predictive model on the number of clients every day in a month for the user. | No

FR18 | The system could provide a health care level for your pet. | No

FR19 | The system could notify the client about certain medications the pet needs. | No

FR20 | If the user enters incorrect credentials during sign in, then the system could display an authentication error message. | Yes


PetPal Authors: Maximiliano, Juan Pablo, Jacobo University:EAFIT Problem: Pet owners have hard times finding new veterinarians and keeping medical records on hand. Product Description: A web application that allows users to access their pet’s medical records at any time and program appointments in any place at any time. Innovation: Virtual appointment programming. Differentiators: The clients have more access to their pets medical records. Product Benefits: Accessible documents in any place, Fast and easy appointment programming, and fast and simple access to veterinarian profiles.

System Design:

Deployment View

Deployment drawio

1.2. Implementation View

ComponentsDiagram drawio Client:

Create clinical record: Creates a clinical record for a pet in order to track its progress.

Management Console Client: A console that facilitates the access to different services.

Rate Vet: Allows the client to access recent appointments and rate them.

Medicine notifications: Notifies the client of medicines for their pet.

Show vet specialities: Shows the different vet specialties to clients.

View Vets: Shows different veterinarians depending on search.


Register: Allows both clients and users to create accounts.

Create appointment: Allows both client and users to create appointments.

Upload Files: Allows the users and clients to upload medical files to the medical history or reports.

Visualize Clinical Record: Allows both clients and users to visualize clinical records.

Log_in: Allows both clients and users to log into the platform.

Visualize appointments: Allows clients and users to visualize appointments belonging to them.

Data analysis on pets per breed: The system generates a graph for every different pet and breed.

Display authentication error: Shows an error when users or clients log in or register in order to facilitate the log in or register process.

Average for vet ratings: Each veterinarian has an average rating on their profile based on client ratings.

User: Update Report: Allows a user to update a report they made previously

Create Report: This allows a user to create a report based on an appointment.

Create Resume: This allows a user to create a resume for themselves.

Management Console User: The management console for users that allows them to access their services easily.

1.3. Data Model


Usability Analysis

First Observation:

Observation: The client forgot when the appointment will happen and they didn't write down when it was going to be.

Improvement Action: Add a view to the appointments so that the user can tell when they have it programmed.

Implementation: Yes

Second Observation:

Observation: Client does not know what the checkbox in the pet registration means.

Improvement: Change the pet register so that the client can choose their mascot's gender instead of a checkbox.

Implementation: No

Third Observation:

Observation: Client is incapable of knowing what went wrong with the pet registration.

Improvement: Add errors that show up in order to tell him what went wrong

Implementation: No

Fourth Observation:

Observation: The function to add a date with the calendar scrolling through the years was too slow making the user feel impatience.

Improvement: Make a faster scrolling for the years inside the calendar function.

Implementation: No

Fifth Observation:

Observation: The log in screen is too small for the user.

Improvement: Make bigger inputs with a bigger letter size.

Implementation: No

Future work

First, a future work around for the development we just completed would be to complete the requirements we missed. It is important to remember that this application is a minimum viable product (MVP), which means that we have created a working version with the basic features needed to meet the initial goals. However, we know that there is still a lot of potential to expand and improve this project.

In the next phase of development, we will focus on refining the database. This will involve re-profiling to optimize performance and ensure that data is managed more efficiently and securely. We will also restructure the views of each user to improve the user experience, making navigation more intuitive and personalized.

In addition, one of the key aspects we plan to integrate more deeply is analytics. Currently, we collect a significant amount of data provided by customers, but we believe this information can be further exploited. Advanced analytics integration will enable companies offering pet services to gain valuable insights into user behavior and preferences. This will not only improve strategic decision making, but could also open up new business opportunities.

In conclusion, although our current application meets the basic objectives as an MVP, we are aware that it can evolve much further. Adding new functionalities and continuously improving existing ones will be crucial to maximize the value we offer to our users and businesses in the pet services sector.


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