Maximiliano_Progress_Track - MaximilianoSanLa/ProjectP1 GitHub Wiki

Week 1:(1/31/2024)

This week I will create a project idea with my development team. Next week we will define development requirements in order to carry out this idea

Week 2:(2/4/2024)

Last week I set up the work environment for Django in python. This week I will define with my team the work requirements in order to start the developing our web page. Next week I hope we will start working on this requirements.

Week 3:(2/11/2024)

Last week we set up the prioritized requirements needed for our web application. This week we moved development on the web page for next week and we will focus on defining the following for our project, introduction and references. Next we plan to have the work divided and get the most minimum product done.

Week 4:(2/21/2024)

Last week I worked on the backend of the project. This week I will make modifications to the database to adjust to some sudden changes. Next week I will focus requirements.

Week 5:(2/25/2024)

Last week I made modifications to the database. This week I restructured the app in the project in order to get a better workflow and some progress on some requirements. Next week I will keep working on requirements and hopefully start paving the data analysis goals.

Week 6:(3/6/2024)

Last week I worked on the back end for one of the requirements finishing it. This week I will continue working on requirements. Next week I will start working on data analysis.

Week 7:(3/13/2024)

Last week I finished the front end for rating a vet. This week I am working on data analysis. Next week I will work on connecting the different pages.

Week 8:(3/20/2024)

Last week I worked on the data analysis. This week I will work on connecting all different pages. Next week I will work on veterinarian accepting appointments.

Week 9:(3/27/2024)

Last week I worked on connecting different pages to each other. This week I will work on veterinarian accepting appointments. Next week I will work on setting up the AWS VPC in order to start integrating functions like AWS Cognito into our project.

Week 10:(4/3/2024)

Last week I worked on veterinarian accepting appointments. This week I will work on setting up the AWS VPC environment. Next week I will get started on backend stuff like authentication keys and stuff for log in.

Week 11:(4/10/2024)

Last week I worked on authentication keys. This week I will work on authentication keys. Next week I will get started on development on the front end for log in.

Week 12:(4/17/2024)

Last week I worked on authentication keys with decoding and stuff. This week I will work on making the front for the login and register. Next I will work on routing traffic.

Week 13:(4/24/2024)

Last week I decided to use amazons Cognito hosted zone instead of working on the front end. This week I will create an ELB with a hosted zone policy to route traffic. Next week I will work on the AMI.

Week 14:(5/01/2024)

Last week I made an ELB with a hosted zone policy to route traffic. This week I will launch an http version of our in an amazon Linux machine (ec2) and make an AMI if everything is working or just debug. Next week I will work migrating our database or just changing it to the new user model we are using.

Week 15:(5/08/2024)

Last week I made an http version of our project on an EC2 instance. This week I will migrate our database moving to the new user type. Next week I will work on testing with real users.

Week 16:(5/15/2024)

Last week I migrated our database. This week I will test the software product with real users. Next week I will work on setting up an https connection.

Week 17:(5/20/2024)

Last week I tested the software with real users. This week I will generate an https connection. This week will most likely be the last week of development.