JuanPablo_Progress_Track - MaximilianoSanLa/ProjectP1 GitHub Wiki


Last week I installed Django and I began to study how works this framework, this week we defined with my team the work requirements in order to start the develop our web page, next week I will be starting to work on this requirements.


Last week, we worked with my team about the requirements. This week, we worked on the domain model, class model for databases and on delivery 1. Next week, I will be starting to work the coding of the website. This week, We have not had any problems with the project.


Last week I did the dating page. This week I will start working on the second requirement. It was a bit difficult to make the appointment because I created a template from scratch and didn't know how to merge it with Django.


Last week we agreed on what we were each going to work on for the new delivery. This week I will start working on the requirements I have for this delivery. At the moment I have no problems but probably next week I will have some.


This week we had the feedback with the teacher and presented the pitch, now we will focus on meeting the requirements of the next delivery, it's a bit complicated to learn HTML and CSS because I hate bootstrap.


Last week I worked a little bit on the homeClient.html. This week I will continue working on it because it has many different views, one for the user and one for the client. The problems I'm having is that I have a lot of work and I haven't had much time to work on this issue.


Last week I started working on the functionality to be able to add pets from the pet-register page, this week I managed to finish the functionality but I had a difficulty related to the client id.


Last week I finish working on the functionality to be able to add pets from the pet-register page, This week I will work on something new I came up with which is popups to fill out forms.

WEEK 10:

Last week I worked on the register pet popup, I got the whole backend working, this week I will work on the front end of that popup.

WEEK 11:

Last week I kept working on the pop up, it's a bit complicated because the JavaScript doesn't want to work as it should, this week I will try to fix it.

WEEK 12:

Last week I was challenged to use the popup and integrate it well into the project, this week I am still not able to do it.

WEEK 13:

I am trying to make the popups for the forms, what I plan to do to the project is to give a little life to the form pages so that they are not so empty.

WEEK 14:

Last week I set myself the task of improving the form pages, this week I started organizing the create appointment page for the user, everything looks great and goes according to plan.

WEEK 15:

I have already completed the whole create appointment page, I am very happy with the result, I will start modifying the other form (pet register).

WEEK 16:

I had planned to fix the form but we are going to start the deployment issue and due to time issues it is very complicated for me to change the page again, what I will do is to help Maximiliano to organize the front end of his requirements.

WEEK 17:

This week we will present the PVM of our application, we are having some difficulties to make the deployment because we decided to use some AWS services and it is a little complicated to use them, we are confident that by the day of delivery we will have it ready.