Jacobo_Progress_Track - MaximilianoSanLa/ProjectP1 GitHub Wiki

Week 1: (31/01/2024)

Last week we thought about the idea of our project and wrote down the things it would have, we made the product vision and the product vision board. This week I will write the functional requirements and we will make together the class diagram. For the moment we have no difficulties.

Week 2: (04/02/2024)

Last week I wrote the functional requirements.I will begin to develop a requirement. It is not a difficulty but we have not yet defined how we will develop the project, but we are still on schedule.

Week 3: (11/02/2024)

Last week I advanced in the deliverable and we record the video. This week we will make the requirements that are needed for next week. I had some issues while filling the deliverable because I didn't understood some things, but I ended up with something.

Week 4: (21/02/2024)

Last week I make the menu of the page. This week I will start working on the second delivery. It was a little difficult tu make the menu because I used a template from bootstrap and I didn't knew how to merge it with Django, but at the end I manage to solve it.

Week 5: (25/02/2024)

Last week we agreed on what each of us was going to work on for the new delivery. This week I will start working on the requirement I have for this delivery. For the moment I have no problems but probably next week I will have some.

Week 6: (06/03/2024)

Last week I worked a little on the requirement. This week I will continue working on it because it has two different views, one for the user and one for the client. The problems I'm having are that I have a lot of work to do and I haven't had much time to work on this subject, I have to organize myself better but it's a little bit difficult.

Week 7: (13/03/2024)

Last week I finished the requirement that I was supposed to complete. This week I will make small adjustments and maybe add something else. I had a little struggle doing some stuff on the front end mostly on the buttons of the css.

Week 8: (20/03/2024)

Last week I finished another requirement (clinical record view) and put some things on the requierement that I had already finished. This week I will travel. I was more fluent working on the front end so I had fewer problems.

Week 9: (27/03/2024)

This week I was in Coveñas so I didn't work.

Week 10: (03/04/2024)

Last week I started working a little on my requirement. This week I will continue working on it. I didn't have problems because I didn't do much because I had some personal problems that didn't let me work much.

Week 11: (10/04/2024)

Last week I worked on my requirement and we were searching some things to add on our proyect. This week I'll finish my requirement and will try to work on another requirement. I had more than last week so I could advance more.

Week 12: (17/04/2024)

I got a virus and couldn't get out of bed on the whole week. I'll start working again on Friday when I'm better.

Week 13: (24/04/2024)

Last week I finished my requirement. This week we will make the presentation of the delivery #3, and will continue woorking next week because I have other exams. We had some trouble with the project but we were able to pull it off.

Week 14: (01/05/2024)

Last week I started working on my requirement and making some changes on other ones. This week I will try to finish my requirement. I had no trouble because I was repeating things that I did on my last requirement.

Week 15: (08/05/2024)

Last week I finished my requirement. This week I will see if there is anything else I can do. I had some trouble with the time, in this moment of the semester I'm really busy.

Week 16: (15/05/2024)

Last week I didn't work because I had other exams. This week we will finish all we need to do our final presentation. Same as last week, my problem was the time and a trip I made that cost me time.