System Request - MaxPrinz/UniChat GitHub Wiki

System Request

Project Name: UNI CH@T Project Sponsor: Frank Breitinger Name: Nina Bulling, Max Prinz, Rene Pilz Department: MSc Information Systems Organization: University of Liechtenstein E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Business Need: “Communication is key” is such a frequently used phrase because it holds true in everyday life. The University of Liechtenstein prides itself in representing a large number of different countries as its student body is so diverse. Therefore, we want to enable the students to easily and efficiently communicate with one another to foster collaboration/teamwork and enable inclusion.

Functionality: In order to achieve that, we would like to develop a platform that allows students from various backgrounds and countries to chat with one another independently of their mother tongue. They type in their messages in their native language and the chat will automatically translate it to the other person’s set native language. The chat furthermore offers other functionalities such as group text options and will have a visually appealing user interface.

Business Requirements: Using the web, students should be able to search for other users of the chat. They should be able to start a conversation thread and sent back and forth messages. The input messages will be written in their native language and then translated to the receiver’s set language. The functionality that the system should have is as follows:

  1. Search for existing chat users.
  2. Start or delete a chat.
  3. Send/receive messages that will be automatically translated to the users’ default language.
  4. Receive notifications
  5. Mark unread text messages

Expected Business Value:


  1. Increase diversity & inclusion
  2. Better perception and competitive position of the university
  3. Improve student experience


  1. 10% increase in enrollment
  2. 20% increase in retention
  3. 15% decrease in dropouts

Special Issues or Constraints: Time: project is due Dec XX, 2020. Knowledge: one of the team members has no programming knowledge Legal: none Budget: none

Functional Requirements:

  1. The chat shall let user input text
  2. The chat shall let user send messages
  3. The chat shall receive messages from other users
  4. The chat shall allow user to switch through various chats
  5. The chat shall let user set their default language
  6. The chat shall let user add a profile picture
  7. The chat shall let user add a biography
  8. The chat shall allow user to search through all existing texts/conversations
  9. The chat shall translate all incoming texts to the set default language
  10. The chat shall automatically translate all outgoing texts to the receiver’s default language
  11. The chat shall display original language of a text when prompted
  12. The chat shall allow user to invite other users to the chat
  13. The chat shall allow user to create a group chat
  14. The chat shall allow user to name a group chat
  15. The chat shall allow user to invite users to a group chat
  16. The chat shall allow user to delete conversations
  17. The chat shall allow user to block other users
  18. The chat shall have a reporting function
  19. The chat shall send push notifications for incoming messages (calls, too?)
  20. The chat shall display number of unread messages
  21. The chat shall archive messages
  22. The chat shall include emojis
  23. The chat shall send and receive gifs
  24. The chat shall send and receive images