Legacy Recipes (for versions pre 2.0.0) - MaxNeedsSnacks/Interactio GitHub Wiki
This page contains examples of the "legacy" recipe syntax, used before mod version 2.0.0
Example of a Fluid to Item Crafting recipe:
"type": "interactio:item_fluid_transform", // This is the type for any recipes that are (items + fluid) -> item
"inputs": [ // This is an array of input ingredients, using vanilla ingredient syntax.
"tag": "minecraft:logs",
"count": 3
"item": "minecraft:redstone",
"count": 2
"fluid": { // This is a "fluid ingredient", used in any fluid inputs throughout the mod.
"fluid": "water" // It supports either fluid tags (key: "tag") or single fluids (key: "fluid")
}, // as well as arrays containing either of the two.
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:scute", // This is the output of the recipe,
"count": 6 // which has to be a single item stack here.
"consume": 0.75 // Optional, can be Boolean or Number (chance). default: false / 0.0
And another one, this time using nbt tags to convert empty bottles to water bottles (which are actually considered a "potion"):
"type": "interactio:item_fluid_transform",
"inputs": [
"item": "minecraft:glass_bottle",
"count": 1
"fluid": {
"fluid": "water"
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:potion",
"count": 1,
"nbt": {
"Potion": "minecraft:water"
"consume": 0.33
Example of a Fluid Transformation Recipe:
"type": "interactio:fluid_fluid_transform", // This is the type for any recipes that are (fluid + items) -> fluid
"items": [
"tag": "minecraft:logs", // I'm honestly not 100% sure how reliable stack sizes > 64 are, but
"count": 65 // it worked in all of my test cases, so you should be fine™
"tag": "forge:chests",
"count": 1
"input": {
"tag": "water" // Another example of a fluid ingredient, this time using a tag.
"result": "lava", // since this only produces a single fluid, we just enter the fluid name here.
"consume_items": true // Optional. Default: false
Example of an Item Explosion Recipe:
"type": "interactio:item_explode",
"inputs": [
"item": "minecraft:ender_pearl",
"count": 1
"tag": "forge:dusts/redstone",
"count": 2
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:ender_eye",
"count": 1,
"nbt": {
"display": {
"Name": "{ \"text\": \"a very special ender eye\" }"
"Enchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:channeling",
"lvl": 10
"Tags": [
"chance": 0.2 // optional, defaults to 100% success.
Example of a Block Explosion Recipe:
"type": "interactio:block_explode",
"input": "minecraft:netherrack", // has to be either an id or a single item stack,
"result": "minecraft:obsidian", // in both cases, it will try to look for a block with the id specified.
"chance": 0.2 // chance that the recipe succeeds
"destroy": true // if the recipe fails, should the block be destroyed or just explode normally