LAB1 - MaxGolden/CS5551_Team13_LabAssignments GitHub Wiki
Welcome to Team-13 LAB WIKI Page
Name: Hongkun Jin / StudentID 16220459 / ClassID: 20 / TeamID: 13-1
Subteam member Name: John C Goza / ClassID:14 / TeamID: 13-1
Code Link:
Oauth Link:
Video Link:
YouTube video Link:1. Login and Register Pages
OAuth Login & Registration and HTML5 Local storage
1) mockbackend for login
2) routing config so that each url has a corresponding component
3) example of local account creation
4) two factor authentication proving that we're hitting the google oauth api
5) login via oauth
6) password query returning from oauth
7) login page with unfortunately shortened backgroud
8) auth guard which prevents access to the page without logging in (edited)
2. Home Page
the login page
The home page with particular design, we have link for github left down the web, and the logout button on the top right. Also show the username
The lab page with the speech-to-text function in it.
Speech-to-text HTML code
Speech-to-text css code
Speech-to-text JS code
3. About and Contact Pages
About page
And the Contacts page, we added the google map location in it.
4. User Interface
See the Screentshots above which show the interface design by Jquery and CSS style.
5. Quality Check:
Code quality checking
6. Create GitHub Account.
This Hongkun Jin github link
This is Jack's github link:7. Create ZenHub Tool Account.
We created the issue step by step, and when we finished all the issues, we closed the milestone and generate the results above.
8. Create Wiki page
Done here.
a) Contribution Chart
This is our contribution chart.
9. Creatly Tool- Draw the class diagram for school library system
Created the UML class diagram to describe the school library system.
10. References