1. New rules for the Topology Framework in gvSIG Desktop - Maureque/GSoC2020-topology-osgeo-gvsig GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the project New rules for the Topology Framework in gvSIG Desktop ( GSoC 2020 )
Automate tasks and Ensure Information Quality instead of spending our time doing what a machine.
Project 2020:
OSgeo wiki page: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/New_rules_for_the_Topology_Framework_in_gvSIG_Desktop_(_GSoC_2020_)
This project started in 2019, carried out within the Google Summer of Code program with OSGeo (Open Source Geospatial Foundation) and the gvSIG Association, this is an example of how scripting can help to automate tasks and save time, allowing the user to focus on the logic to solve.
If the repetitive tasks do not need special perception, creative intelligence or social intelligence then are feasible tasks of automation and not appropriate to create beings with a critical reflexive attitude.
With the automation of topological rules errors are prevented, especially when working with large volumes of information, since it is very feasible to have errors of both precision and accuracy.
For example: overlays, positional accuracy, mismatched geometries and inconsistent data. Topology rules ensure that data sets comply with the conditions specified in each rule. Achieving this is an essential process to ensure the integrity and quality of spatial data.