Driver - MatteoDJon/CloudProgrammingTonellotto GitHub Wiki
package it.unipi.hadoop;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocatedFileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.RemoteIterator;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.GenericOptionsParser;
public class Driver {
private static final double convergeDist = 1e-9;
private static final int maxIterations = 100;
private static String outputName = "centroids.txt";
private static String inputName = "data.txt";
private static String KMeansDirName = "KMeansTemporary";
//part-00000 or part-r-00000 are ok
private static final Pattern patternOutputFiles = Pattern.compile("part-(r-)?[\\d]{5}");
static List<Path> getOutputFiles(FileSystem fs, Path outputDir) throws Exception {
List<Path> listPaths = new ArrayList<>();
Matcher matcher;
RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> rit = fs.listFiles(outputDir, false);
while (rit.hasNext()){
Path outputFile =;
matcher = patternOutputFiles.matcher(outputFile.toString());
if (matcher.find()){
return listPaths;
static List<Point> getRandomCentroids(Configuration conf, int k, FileSystem fs, Path inputFile, Path outputDir) throws Exception {
List<Point> centroids = new ArrayList<>(k);
int i = 0;
//simple control, just in case
if (fs.exists(outputDir)){
fs.delete(outputDir, true);
while (i < k){
Job job = UniformSampling.createUniformSamplingJob(conf, inputFile, outputDir, 1);
//prelevare i punti e aggiungerli alla lista
List<Path> outputFiles = getOutputFiles(fs, outputDir);
for (Path outputFile : outputFiles){
try (FSDataInputStream stream =;
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream)))
Point p = Point.parseString(reader.readLine());
boolean unique = true;
for (Point c : centroids) {
if (c.equals(p)) {
unique = false;
if (unique) {
catch (Exception e){
if (fs.exists(outputDir)){
fs.delete(outputDir, true);
return centroids;
static void updateCache(List<Point> centroids, FileSystem fs, Path cache) {
try (FSDataOutputStream stream = fs.create(cache, true);
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(stream))) {
// write each centroid in a line of the cache file
for (Point centroid : centroids) {
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO handle exception
static void readCentroidsFromOutput(List<Point> list, FileSystem fs, Path outputDir) throws Exception{
WritableWrapper wrapper;
List<Path> listOutputFiles = getOutputFiles(fs, outputDir);
for (Path file: listOutputFiles){
try (FSDataInputStream fileStream =;
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fileStream))) {
String line = null;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
String[] split = line.split("\t"); // split key and value
Integer position = Integer.parseInt(split[0]); //key in the list
String value = split[1]; // get wrapper string
wrapper = WritableWrapper.parseString(value);
// divide to compute mean point
int count = wrapper.getCount();
Point centroid = wrapper.getPoint();
// Don't know if I can trust the position of the files for the new centroids
//Important: I assume that a key starts from 0 (really important)
while (list.size() <= position){
list.set(position, centroid);
} catch (IOException | ParseException e) {
// TODO handle exception
System.err.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
// TODO maybe check if centroids are not k
static double compareCentroids(List<Point> oldCentroids, List<Point> newCentroids) {
// precondizione: i centroidi sono, rispetto alla singola posizione,
// la versione precedente e la versione nuova --> stessa dimensione e stesso numero
double tempDistance = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < oldCentroids.size(); i++) {
Point oldCentroid = oldCentroids.get(i);
Point newCentroid = newCentroids.get(i);
double dist = oldCentroid.computeSquaredDistance(newCentroid);
double norm1 = oldCentroid.computeSquaredNorm();
double norm2 = newCentroid.computeSquaredNorm();
double minNorm = Double.min(norm1, norm2);
tempDistance += (dist / minNorm);
return tempDistance;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String[] otherArgs = new GenericOptionsParser(args).getRemainingArgs();
List of arguments = [dimensionPoints numberCentroids pointsPath finalCentroidsPath];
otherArgs[0] = d;
otherArgs[1] = k;
otherArgs[2] = inputName
otherArgs[3] = outputName
KMeansSamplingDirName può essere construito concatenando KMeansDir con "Sampling"
int d = 6; // default
int k = 3; // default
case 4:
outputName = otherArgs[3];
case 3:
inputName = otherArgs[2];
case 2:
k = Integer.parseInt(otherArgs[1]);
case 1:
d = Integer.parseInt(otherArgs[0]);
case 0:
System.out.println("Caso default");
System.out.println("Uso parametri d = " + Integer.toString(d) + ", k = " + Integer.toString(k));
System.out.println("Nome file input = " + inputName + ", file output = " + outputName);
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
Path inputFile = new Path(inputName);
Path outputFile = new Path(outputName);
Path KMeansDir = new Path(KMeansDirName);
Path KMeansSamplingDir = new Path(KMeansDirName + "UniformSampling");
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
// select initial centroids and write them to file
List<Point> centroids = getRandomCentroids(conf, k, fs, inputFile, KMeansSamplingDir);
updateCache(centroids, fs, outputFile);
boolean success = true;
int iteration = 1;
List<Point> currentCentroids = centroids;
List<Point> newCentroids = new ArrayList<>(k);
// delete the output directory if exists
if (fs.exists(KMeansDir))
fs.delete(KMeansDir, true);
double tempDistance = convergeDist + 0.1;
long timeAlgStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (success && tempDistance > convergeDist && iteration <= maxIterations) {
// new job to compute new centroids
Job kmeansJob = KMeans.createKMeansJob(conf, inputFile, KMeansDir, outputFile, d, k);
success = kmeansJob.waitForCompletion(true);
// add new centroids to list
readCentroidsFromOutput(newCentroids, fs, KMeansDir);
// System.out.println("New centroids " + iteration + ":");
// for (Point point : newCentroids)
// System.out.println("\t" + point);
// write new centroids to file read from mapper
updateCache(newCentroids, fs, outputFile);
// sum of all the relative errors between old centroids and new centroids
tempDistance = compareCentroids(currentCentroids, newCentroids);
// before next iteration update old centroids list
List<Point> tempList = currentCentroids;
currentCentroids = newCentroids;
newCentroids = tempList;
// System.out.println("tempDistance = " + Double.toString(tempDistance)); // DEBUG
// delete the output directory if exists
if (fs.exists(KMeansDir))
fs.delete(KMeansDir, true);
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Tempo di inizio: " + startTime);
System.out.println("Tempo inizio dell'algoritmo: " + timeAlgStart );
System.out.println("Tempo di fine: " + endTime);
System.out.println("Durata dell'algoritmo: " + (endTime - startTime));
System.out.println("Numero di iterazioni: "+ iteration);
System.exit(success ? 0 : 1);
The Driver is the core of the Hadoop implementation, containing the main that will be executed.
As input the main will read from command line the point dimension, number of clusters, the path for the input and the path for the output.
Initially by calling the .getRandomCentroids it will obtain as many centroids as the number of clusters, each one of them a result of a UniformSampling job created time after time in the function. These centroids will then be saved into the shared hadoop cache in order to be later accessed by the mappers.
The execution flow will now enter in a while from which it can get out if either the desired error is achieved or the maximum iterations are reached.
Inside the while, at each iteration, it will be created a map-reduce job through the .createKMeansJob, which will save the new centroids into a dedicated directory. Such centroids will then be read through .readCentroidsFromOutput and compared with the older ones in order to obtain the new error.
At the exit of the while the final centroids will therefore be located in the output file, accessible with the command hadoop fs -cat {nameOfOutputFile}