Map Names - MattFiler/OpenCAGE GitHub Wiki
Map Name | Description | Picture |
BSP_LV426_Pt01 | LV-426, including the Anesidora hangar and view over to the derelict. |
BSP_LV426_Pt02 | LV-426, inside the derelict. |
BSP_Torrens | The Torrens, including the hypersleep area, canteen, medical area and bridge. |
Solace | The interior of the Anesidora. |
Map Name | Description | Picture |
TECH_Comms | Seegson Communications, including the external comms array. |
TECH_Hub | The central area of the Lorenz SysTech Spire that the transit connects to. Includes the server hub, archive room and Lorenz SysTech lobby. |
TECH_MuthrCore | APOLLO, including the server banks. |
TECH_RnD | Gemini Exoplanet Solutions. |
TECH_RnD_HzdLab | The Project KG-348 research labs, including the detachable lab. |
Map Name | Description | Picture |
SCI_AndroidLab | This map contains the entirety of Seegson Synthetics. This includes the Components Warehouse, Android Disposal, the Synthetic Showroom and Facility Administration. The transit station to APOLLO can be found here. |
SCI_HospitalLower | San Cristobal Medical lower floors, including the Ambulance Bay, Medical Reception, Medical Wards and Operating Theatre. |
SCI_HospitalUpper | San Cristobal Medical upper floors, including Dr. Kuhlman's office, Psychiatric Wards, Staff Quarters and Patient Rooms. |
SCI_Hub | The central area of the SciMed Tower where the transit arrives, leading to the upper and lower areas of San Cristobal Medical, and Seegson Synthetics. The Transit Control area can be accessed through an elevator. |
Map Name | Description | Picture |
HAB_Airport | The area where Amanda initially arrives on Sevastopol, including the Spaceflight Terminal, baggage reclaim area, Axel's den and lower airport where Axel and Amanda meet looters. |
HAB_CorporatePent | The Corporate Penthouses, including the two transit waiting areas, canteen, projector room, library, entertainment terminals and games room. |
HAB_ShoppingCentre | The Solomons Galleria, including the Marshal Bureau and transit station. |
Map Name | Description | Picture |
ENG_Alien_Nest | The Hive below the Reactor Core, it can only be accessed through the Reactor Core on mission 14 by an elevator. |
ENG_ReactorCore | This map includes the Reactor Core and Facility Management areas. |
ENG_TowPlatform | This map includes the Tow Platform, second Hive (plus the ruined transit tunnels leading away from the Hive) and docking clamp. |
Map Name | Description | Picture |
BSPNostromo_Ripley | The Last Survivor DLC map on the Nostromo. |
BSPNostromo_TwoTeams | The Crew Expendable DLC map on the Nostromo. |
ChallengeMap1 | "Blast Seat" - a Survivor Mode map available as part of The Trigger DLC pack. |
ChallengeMap3 | "Overrun" - a Survivor Mode map available as part of the Trauma DLC pack. |
ChallengeMap4 | "Severance" - a Survivor Mode map available as part of the Corporate Lockdown DLC pack. |
ChallengeMap5 | "Scorched Earth" - a Survivor Mode map available as part of the Corporate Lockdown DLC pack. |
ChallengeMap7 | "Reoperation" - a Survivor Mode map available as part of the Trauma DLC pack. |
ChallengeMap9 | "Crawl Space" - a Survivor Mode map available as part of the Trauma DLC pack. |
ChallengeMap11 | "Loose Ends" - a Survivor Mode map available as part of the Corporate Lockdown DLC pack. |
ChallengeMap12 | "Damage Control" - a Survivor Mode map available as part of The Trigger DLC pack. |
ChallengeMap14 | "The Package" - a Survivor Mode map available as part of The Trigger DLC pack. |
ChallengeMap16 | "The Basement" - a free Survivor Mode map included with the game. |
SalvageMode1 | "Safe Haven" - the only map in the Safe Haven DLC pack, containing Gemini Secondary Systems and the Bacchus Apartments. |
SalvageMode2 | "Lost Contact" - the only map in the Lost Contact DLC pack, containing the Lorenz Private Wards and the S6 Emergency Power Plant. |