Editing keycodes - MattFiler/OpenCAGE GitHub Wiki
2021: This functionality has been deprecated and is now possible by utilising the scripting tools.
The Alien: Isolation Mod Tools provide the ability to edit any in-game keycode. Editing a keycode will not only change the game's scripting to use your new code for the door/locker keypad, but it will also update all localisation files to inform the player through subtitles and Sevastolink terminals of the new code. For example, when finding out the medical password in Mission 5, if you edit it from 1702, the Sevastolink memo will be changed along with all subtitles for further character dialogue.
Editing a Keycode
To get to the keycode editor, navigate to "Experimental Tools", and select "Edit In-Game Keycodes".
All available keycodes are shown in the list that appears, grouped by the shipped game mission number (for example, the previously mentioned 1702 code for medical can be found under the "Mission 5" category.
Select a keycode from the list and its value will appear in the text box to the right.
Change this value to any combination of four numbers, and press save.