2. Dependencies and install - MattAndDev/gulp-boilerplate GitHub Wiki
Node (via nvm)
Install node version manager (nvm) via cURL.
$ curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.29.0/install.sh | bash
Look into the packge.json
and install the required node version, you can find it under engines.
engines: {
"node": "version"
Install Gulp globally:
$ npm install -g gulp
This is not mandatory, but it's a good option to save some disk space.
- Clone the repo
- Rename it
- Remove original .git folder
$ git clone https://github.com/MattAndDev/gulp-boilerplate.git
$ mv gulp-boilerplate your-project-name
$ rm -rf your-project-name/.git
Now you are ready to jump in your project and install all npm dependencies like so:
$ cd your-project-name
$ npm install
This runs through all dependencies listed in package.json
and downloads them to a node_modules
folder in your project directory.