Changelog guidelines - Mats-SX/neo4j GitHub Wiki

The changelog statements are written in Markdown code, please see the GitHub Markdown help page for a syntax overview.

  • The changelogs are divided between minor releases, and patch releases are separated by a headline each.
    • Use three hashes for a headline.
    • Indicate which patch release of the previous minor release that is included in this release using six dashes after the headline. (This is of course only known at release time and not during development of the current release.)
  • Each changelog statement should be one bullet point, and if applicable contain a link to a pull request in a sub-bullet point.
    • If a change is specific to a certain minor release only, indicate this in a sub-bullet point.
  • Changelog statements are divided between different modules, and each module with changes in the relevant version should be headlined with a simple colon.
  • If a change is made to fix a reported GitHub issue, this should be indicated by linking the relevant issue in the changelog statement.

For 3.0 and later versions, the changelog is not divided between Community, Advanced and Enterprise editions, but instead a sub-bullet point will mark a change as enterprise-only or advanced-only. All other changelog statements are assumed to exist in all three editions.

See the example below for reference:

###2.3.4 ######Includes all changes from 2.2.6 Cypher:

  • A standard bugfix changelog statement
  • Fixes #1234 -- Summary of reported issue
  • An enterprise-only feature is now finished
    • Enterprise edition specific


  • Another standard bugfix changelog statement

###2.3.3 ######Includes all changes from 2.2.4 Server:

  • An older change
    • This change does not apply to later minor releases
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