Settings - Mathics3/mathicsscript GitHub Wiki

Inside the REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) there are a number of variables in the Settings context that can read that describe facets the REPL. And these variables change be changed to alter the behavior too.

You can get a list of these by showing them using the Names[] function:

In[1]= Names["Settings`.*"]
Out[1]= {$PygmentsStyle, $ShowFullFormInput, PygmentsStylesAvailable}

Some are described below


This sets the Pygments style used to colorize output. The value should be a string.

The default value changes background depending on whether the terminal has a light or dark background. You can also set the color style used on the command with the --style option. Or it can be set in a settings file.


Setting this to True will show the parsed FullForm _input_. Note this is _input_ not _output_. For changing output use end the input with \FullForm or use wrap everything in a FullForm[] call.

From the command line you can set this using option --full-form. The default is False, or no full-form parsed input.


Gives a list of all the Pygments styles that can be set.

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