Assignment 2 - MathewVogelsmeier/CS320-1-Data-Communication GitHub Wiki

Assignment 2 Networks


For this assignment I will be explaining how data travels from a computer on one network to a computer on a different network.


In this article I will briefly talk about how transferring data across networks works and how it’s important in today’s society. The reason I’m writing about this topic is to explain the how networks communicate with each other.


Different types of Networks

The best way to explain how data travels from a computer on one network to a computer another is to explain the different types of networks Personal Area Networks (PAN), Local Area Networks (LAN), Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN), Wide Area Networks (WAN), Global Area Networks (GAN) and explain where there used. Personal Area Networks (PAN) is using a USB or there FireWire to transfer data form one computer to another. While it’s variant Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) uses things like Bluetooth or a wireless USB. Next is the Local Area Networks (LAN) which uses a ethernet cable to transfer data or it’s variant Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) that transfers data to other computers on the same local network so basically other computers connected to the same WiFi. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) connects multiple LAN s in the area to increase the distance data can be transferred. Wide Area Network (WAN) uses the (MAN) principle but expands it on a global scale.


Transferring data from a computer on one network to a computer on a different network depends on how far you need to transfer the data from. For example, if is a computer in the same house using a Personal Area Networks (PAN) such as a USB is more then enough while on the other had if you need to transfer data half way across the world it might be better to use a Wide Area Network (WAN).


Transfer data depends on convince and distance if a computer is too far away your world chance to a different method same with if your internet is to slow.

Future Work

In the future, I will be sure to remember these networks to make transferring data easier.
