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Assignment 1 Wiki!
- Abstract For this assignment I will be talking about one of the most important aspects of computer use cyber security and how you can use it to keep your computer and documents safe. I will also be diving into online safety and how to keep your data safe and secure.
- Introduction In this article I will briefly talk about a few of the many ways you can help keep yourself protected while on the Internet. From tips and tricks how, you can keep yourself safer to different ways applications can help you keep you and your data safe. The reason I want to write about this topic is because I know the importance and want to share the importance of cyber security.
- Methodology ** Keeping Yourself & Your Data Safe The best way to keep yourself and your data safe is to track what you do online. The first thing you need to do is limit the amount of information you share on social media. Sharing to much information on social media can make it easier for cyber criminals and others to find and steal your information. Another good step to take is to create strong password. This is also a way to keep not just your data safe but yourself safe as well. Stay away from passwords like password or 123. It’s best to use a mix letters, numbers, and symbols to help create a strong password that is harder for people to crack. The next step is to try to search in incognito mode and use more than one search engine. When you use incognito mode it, it deletes your search history and any cookies. By doing this people will not be able check and see your search history. Also use different search engines. Most people rely almost entirely on Google Chrome when they should be using a variety of different browsers. Lastly and in most cases the most important is to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network). A VPN changes your IP address to make you look like your somewhere else thus making it is harder to track you. This is very important if you plan on using a public network, as people can track down your personal IP address and get into your computer easier from those areas.
- Results If you use the simple tips I provided above, it will make it harder for people to find your personal information and keep you and your data safer online. For most people, they do not know their personal information is stolen until it is too late and there’s almost no chance of getting it back.
- Conclusion Even though these are just a few of the steps you can take to keep yourself safe online it can make all the difference in the world when put into practice.
- Future Work In the future, I will bring us some examples of what I wrote about as well as some other applications you can be used to keep yourself safe. Such as VPNs, firewall protection, and anti-virus applications.
- References https://usa.kaspersky.com/safe-kids?cid=usa_affiliatemarketing_acq_ona_afm__onl_b2c_cjde_affiliatelink__cjde_____&PID=100176324&CJ_CID=4544012&CJ_PID=100176324&CJ_CID_NAME=LinkHaitao&utm_source=CJ&utm_medium=affiliate&CJEVENT=e0384521fb7911ea830a00a30a24060f&utm_campaign=100176324 https://www.nypl.org/help/about-nypl/legal-notices/internet-safety-tips https://us.norton.com/internetsecurity-privacy-protecting-your-privacy-online.html