ExecuteRequest function - MatheusKlauck/BaseExchange GitHub Wiki

Note: assumming T = Generic Class

protected virtual async Task<CallResult<T>> ExecuteRequest<T>(Uri uri, string method = Constants.GetMethod, Dictionary<string, object> parameters = null, bool signed = false, bool checkResult = true) where T : class

This function parameters are:

  • Uri uri: here, you input the link to the server's api who you want to request data;
  • string method (default val is "GET"): here, you input the request's method (GET or SET);
  • Dictionary<string, object> parameters (default val is null): here, you input the parameters, what will deepen your request;
  • bool signed (default val is false): here, you inform if the request must be authenticated;
  • bool checkResult (default val is true): Whether or not the resulting object should be checked for missing properties in the mapping;

The function will read your parameters and then, take the needed decisions based on this, then, will return the request in T object format, as you informed in ExecuteRequest<T>.